
I just got all the fish out of my apartment.  Well, except my lovely Betta.

Me and all the wierd fish people joined forced to buy many many fish and ship them to me, and somehow I made money.

So that’s good.

Also now my period is late so THANKS CEIR.  Apparently my period just jumped into your body, and yours went off to France or something.

So if I’m pregnant, we’ll say its yours.  Babies like bunnies and stuff anyway, so it’s cool.

I did nothing all day except bake some cinnamon muffins.  Wonderful muffins!



I got another seahorse, but a big yellow one.  She’s just a baby.  I hope she lives, she’s kind of…wonky.

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April 9, 2009

Muffins and yellow seahorses = fabulousness. I hope she grows out of her wonkiness! I have no idea what’s going on with periods. Now mine won’t go away so surely we’re interconnected. Tonight is the Pink Moon in our hemisphere, y’know. How do you feel about Nick Drake?