I think I have fallen in a rut in writing, but life is like that. patterns that change but rarely. those intense red flashes of pain (emotional or physical), they bright yellow of regret, the deep blue of sorrow, the wandering pale greens of passive peace….
would make a good abstract of my life….
except when one gets stuck in the same run, and the colors become muddied,and unclear. oh its comfortable and I really prefer comfort. who doesn’t. but somehow need to wash the palette clean. maybe that’s the new year resolution…
wash and rinse and do it again. as the saying goes.
recently Wendy’s truck broke down, leaking transmission fluid like a sieve. so off to the repair shop, but one recommended by a good friend. and hose’s and other part repaired, tranny doesn’t need replaced! which would have been like 6 thousand dollars, and unaffordable, the U-joint was found to be going out. oh that was what that clunky sound is when you hit reverse? add more to bill, and we go this am to put 1500 on the credit card. hope the dang thing runs for another year. hope Wendy gets a better job so she can help me pay credit card off!
but at least I had the card, and at least the truck is repaired, cheaper then expected.
the airlines are have major protests over the new check in body pat downs, invasive. so flying will not be fun, and with a blizzard over in GJ. I’ve decided not to go. will travel on a less popular time, without hazzel of protesters, and winter driving (from airport to dads home)
so will have a nice quiet thanksgiving at home, Wendy works, it will be me a bottle of wine (getting that tonight) an already cooked turkey breast, some bean salad, and pie! and oh yes I plan to spend the day playing WoW. ignoring the world in other words.
stay warm, stay safe, consider a new color for you life palette… I am.
I like the suggestions, I need a new color 🙂
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sounds like a perfect way to spend the day. if i still lived in colorado, that’s how i’d be spending tomorrow. think i will wait on flying til they have adjustments to the way they pat you down or changes in the full naked body scans. happy thanksgiving. take care,
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