where did you come from…?

I woke up Monday morning with hives on both my arms and then on my one leg a little.  It didn’t itch so I wasn’t too worried about it.

I had to go to the Wellness center at 1:45 that day to ask about my cyst b/c I thought that it was infected.  No surprise, it was. So, I asked her about the rash.  She was looking at it and by the time I got there it had spread to the other leg and then to my sides and stomach.

So she gave me an antibiotic for the infection and a prescription for claritin for the hives.  She also told me to rub hyrdocortizone on it twice a day then buy aveeno soap because it’s really good for the skin.

I have been doing this everyday like I am supposed to and it is just spreading all over my legs…it feels like a sunburn.  So its giving off a lot of heat and it itches, It also doesn’t like being touched by clothes….

ugh…i just want it to go away!

well, I am going to go finish the last bit of a paper for this semester and im done!

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It’ll be gone soon! But it must be really irritating. I hope it heals quick!

December 12, 2007

i bet your whole body feels like it’s inflated with water, doesn’t it? i had hives a couple years ago from cheap laundry detergent – my friend bought me a bedding set & he washed it at his house before he gave it to me. generic soap doesn’t agree with my skin, i was a big hive for 2 days. i took benedryl & slept for like 24 hours lol