Wanna take a stroll down to the creek?
"take him down to the creek and hold his head underwater until the thrashing stops" — Pat Buchanan on "Morning Joe", talking about Levi Johnston and Levi’s comments about "cougars" and Palin. 18 Aug, 2009
Levi was interviewed about how he liked "cougars" – and when the interviewer said "what about your soon-to-be ex-mother in law (Palin), and whether she was America’s favorite cougar, Levi responded ‘she’s not my favorite".
There are times when a crotchety old guy like Buchanan just hits the nail on the head. I may not agree with him very often, however, I’d buy him a beer over this one.
Why was this guy even being interviewed? I know it sounds awful, but all he did was get Palin’s daughter pregnant. Who cares? What an idiot though, what a stupid comment to make on TV. *shakes head*
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that poor boy. somebody needs to tell him his 15 mins are up. lol
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How are you feeling?
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it’s funny. but as a side note, just another worthless idiot being interviewed and using his careless actions as an excuse for fame. ugh.
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I guess I’m still amused by idiot comments by worthless celebrities, but then I start to wonder why I’m not famous yet. I could do that too!
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On a completely different note: http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/nationworld/wire/sns-ap-ath-worlds-gender-test,0,2577143.story I thought this may interest or outrage you.
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