More Post FFS Pictures
Hi all.
Well, I seem to be healing pretty well, although I still get tired easily. I suppose I’m still healing and such. So, here are some photos, from early on till today. for those of you stumbling across this, "FFS" is facial femiization surgery, I’m a male-to-female transsexual.
I expect that things will "settle" over the next few weeks/months, and how I look in 3-6 months may be more natural looking than I look now. Although the pictures kinda surprised me too today.
surgery was on Wednesday, Aug 12.
D-Day + 1 (Thurs). I still have surgical tape under my eyes and all over my nose…
D-Day + 3 (Saturday) The bruising set in, and the swelling did too.
D-Day + 5 (Monday) Wow, I look like heck. Still have the tape, and it’s starting to drive me crazy.
1 Week after (Wednesday). The tape is finally off. The bruising is still significant.
8 Days out — Thursday. I’m seeing more of the final results showing through, I think
Wednesday, 2 weeks out. Two pics:
I’m hoping some of the sweling in the nose goes down a bit more – maybe i hoped for a smaller result there, just a tad…
Otherwise, it seems to be a subtle yet effective transform. I need to find a earlier picture of me and post that for comparison…
fading fast, probably off to bed soon.
*random* You are so brave. I admire your Sweetie. How fortunate you are. My husband and I consider the movie “Normal” one of the best films ever. We are just a regular old married couple. As we waatched Normal, we realized that it showed what real love in a married couple is, the extent of how deep it is and what love really is all about, the willingness to let go of all you knew beforee toembrace your love with truth and honesty…good luck to you both as you embrace your future.
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oh you look great!
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WOW, you heal fast! You look great! And you can smile again- yay! Lots of hugs, John PS- it took my nose forever to fully heal when it was broken, but I don’t think it’s quite the same.
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very sutle but very very nice!! The swelling is definitly going down. Wonderful Jude!
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You look great 🙂
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you’re looking good
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You look really good! I’ve heard that nose swelling can last for several months, so I’m sure it will get smaller over time.
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You’re looking a lot more healed than the last set of photos, in my opinion. They’ve done a fantastic job!
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Wow, very very nice!!!!
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Oh, ouch! Kind of makes me shudder to see all that bruising, but the end result is worth it. I can’t wait to see a pic after you’re all healed up and the swelling is down. xo
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You know, these pictures are really amazing. I saw most of your pics over at FB and I hope I commented over there.
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you’re looking good!!! i bet your nose will be smaller when all the swelling is gone. take care,
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OMG ouch. those pics look painful. i hope you had plenty of pain killers and sleep so you didnt have to suffer too much. i havent seen a pic of you before the FFS surgery so i cannot compare but i think you look good.
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Wow, you’re looking pretty gorgeous there “kiddo!”
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I think you look great. You obviously had a very good surgeon because the results look natural. Get some rest this weekend. xo
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Congratulations U are looking like a rg Wish I had been game to do the same Blessings Joanna
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your eyebrows look way better than mine. i cant see that you were ever a man by those photos. no offense. i think your nose looks good, it looks to scale.
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I just want to say that you look great and – without any offense please(!), from the pictures now I would have never been able to tell you were ever male. Not even a second glance or question about it – You make a lovely female . :o)
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really terrific!!!!! yes we want to see older pix of you for comparison. the little one up in the corner is all we have for that so far. great success!
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I love the second to last one of you smiling – you look great! 🙂
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WOW! Oh my GOSH! I’m SO happy for you! *huge hugs*
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Yes we need before and after 🙂 So what procedures did you have done again? Trinity is thinking FFS will be a best first surgery…
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