Joke Time

My son, who is just finishing his sophomore year in high school, brought the following home…


Timmy was sitting in class as the teacher, uncomfortably, talked about sex education.  At one point, when she stopped and asked for questions, Timmy hesitated then his hand crawled up.

"Yes, Timmy?"

"Um, Mrs. Smith, is masturbation bad?"

Mrs. Smith is obviously taken back, hesitates, what to say? and finally, says,

"Well, no Timmy, masturbation isn’t bad"

At which point Timmy asks "Well, then can I go to the bathroom?"

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OMG that’s hysterical. Thanks for the laughs. I hope you and Sweety are having a good weekend. Lots of love, Robin

May 31, 2008

that’s just bad and i can sooo see kids doing that at school.

May 31, 2008

That’s a veteran teacher. The new 20 somethings wouldn’t be able to handle it (no pun intended).

June 1, 2008

Hahaha, oh dear… who told him that?!

June 1, 2008

ryn: Heh! You’re the second ODer to draw that article to my attention. Yep, back home in Oz now, and back to work tomorrow. Woe! I hope things are well with you and Sweety. =)

June 1, 2008

thats funny!

June 1, 2008

Love it!


June 2, 2008

ok, I tried not to find this humorous. Still I find myself sitting here chuckling… have a great day

RYN: Squeaky pants, that’s hysterical!!

June 2, 2008

RYN: that would be a dream for me to live in. did you know that prehistoric penguins were 6 foot tall and could fly?

boy is that ever a valid joke. 🙂