Finding the items for Thai recipes
I’d recommend
they have everything I’ve used in the thai recipes, they ship incredibly quickly (literally in hours from receipt of your online order), and the prices are pretty good.
If you do order the fresh leaves (thai basil or kaffir lime), I’d freeze them as soon as you get them, to make them last longer.
ryn…I didn’t get it…so I’ll ask Linc. And it’s ok since I actually like talking to him. We’ll miss you in Miami. xoxox
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I’m going to try your recipe it looks awesome.
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ryn: Yes!! As a matter of fact, I was just thinking about that the other day when I found a dead mouse at the theater and was wondering if it applied to dead pests too, since they’re eating so many of our chemicals in whatever they scrounge.
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Sounds good. I think I’ll try that site one of these days.
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