Discrimination at the Library of Congress
Here’s a link to an article in Time Magazine
A Transsexual Vs. The Government
Basically, an intelligence expert interviewed for and was told he was hired for a job. When the person told the new boss that in fact she was transsexual and planned to transition, the boss freaked — based on beliefs, not facts, based on prejudices, the boss told this person that the job was off. There are arguments for the other side as well, and the article seems to cover both. The ruling could come down from the judge about any day now. It could be a milestone case.
Thanks to one of my favs (darcy0207) for reminding me about it. The trans community has been following this case for a while, and it’s good to see it getting fair coverage in a market as big as Time.
Read the article, leave a note on which way you think the judge might rule. It would be interesting to see if the "Wisdom of the Crowd" applies here.
Well, I suppose the obvious place to start is the statement, “Would Diane-née-David be taken seriously by people in the conservative antiterrorism community?” Fill in the blank. “I wasn’t sure a _________ would be accepted by conservative colleagues.” Is that a good reason not to hire somebody? To a conservative, I suppose it is.
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According to law, you’re not allowed to discriminate based on gender. Discriminating against a transgender person, is exactly that. I think a lot of the freaking out that people do when they find out that someone is transgendered isn’t because of the actual person, but on the basis of all of those stereotypes out there. That, and most conservatives are afraid of any one not exactly like them for the most part. I hope she wins the case. It would be a huge triumph for everyone. Lots of hugs, John
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I hate people. 😉
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I hope she wins.
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I hope she wins too.
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I hope she wins.
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if she would do an acceptable job. I hope she wins
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ryn: I collected silver certificates and silver coins from my newspaper customers. I kept them all but my stupid brother spent them on vending machines and pinball. My mother made out like it was my fault for not putting the money in the bank. The bank would not have given me silver in return when I withdrew it. I can’t say Mom liked him best. In fact, I think she resented him most. But she always defended him because he was the littlest. He turned out like Hagrid, tho, about 6’6″ and god only knows how many poundages.
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As usual I’m a day late and a dollar short so I can’t vote but I am happy that the judge ruled in Diane’s favor. How awful to have the job offer taken away because she was honest and admitted upfront that she would be starting the job as a female. I don’t know what it’s like to feel as if I was born in the wrong body but I am very happy that I’ve gotten to know you through OD. If I never met you here I would be completely ignorant of transgender people and the issues they face. Thank you for being here and thank you for being your wonderful self. xo
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