8 March 2009 – Whew!!!
Okay folks,
First off, if you haven’t read the previous entry, please read it first. It’s real short. I’ll wait.
dum de dum dum….
Ah, back? Good.
Okay, so, we had a nice lunch (I’ve learned to make a pretty decent fried chicken), and I informed the kids that I wanted to have a short family conference. Sweety handled the lunch dishes and left the 3 of us to talk.
(Reminder: daughter K is 20, son T is 17)
So, I started with the "nobody’s sick, nobody’s dying, nobody’s getting divorced, nobody’s moving", and they went, "oh, okay". then I went with "well, you’ve probably noticed I’m not the most manly dad, and the truth is well, I’m transsexual". And we went from there. I had written a letter previously, both for them to refer to later should they want to (the ex’s therapist’s idea) and to remind me of the points I wanted to cover. Talked about how I’d struggled with this since I was 9, how I’m actually happier with myself, and how I think I can be a better person through this. Their reaction was basically, "well, we’re shocked, but okay". We talked about various implications, how they’ll have the summer to get used to things, and in general, this went much better than I feared, and probably as good as one can hope for. So, then we retired to the tv room, where K is working on her short story and T is playing his new handheld video game. Nobody really seems to be bothered.
But on the other end, i get an email from ex’s husband, a right-wing homophobe, about how i’m a security risk (funny, the company and the security investigator didn’t seem to think so, nor did anyone bother to tell all my friends who work classified DoD programs who transitioned years ago) and blah blah blah and don’t forget trans folks are subjected to a lot more random violence.
That last part sounds very close to a threat. I’m contemplating what to do about this. I’m considering forwarding his email to the company, and let them step in here. I’m tired of being intimidated. The "Transsexual Menace" Rides Again!
Anyway, thanks for all the notes. The kids have exceeded my expectations, and I love them dearly. Life looks pretty good right now.
that guy is a total hater. xox
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some people are just too scared of life to anything but lash out. so glad that the people that count understood. *hugs*
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I’m excited that your kids are so understanding! WOOP! As for the email, I’d forward it. It’s probably nothing, but better safe than sorry, eh?
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Does your ex’s husband work for The Company? Self-righteous bigots like him seem to feel validated by the fact that there are other self-righteous bigots.
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The kids will probably take a few days/weeks/months to process, but I’m glad there were no violent reactions today. Of course, people under 30 seem to be of the “Different lifestyle? Okay, whatever,” attitude in general, though it being your parent would still be rough. Also, now I want fried chicken.
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I’m glad things went well for you with the kids! It sounds to me like they couldn’t have gone much better. That email does sound quite disturbing. I’d forward it, just to be on the safe side. Maybe he didn’t mean anything by it but you never know. Lots of hugs, John
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yeah the kids took it well!
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I am very happy for you. That’s great news. The ex’s husband sounds like a small minded, homophobic jackass.
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that is wonderful!! it must feel so good to finally be able to tell them, after all this time. 🙂 i’m happy that things went so well. you truly have a remarkable family. and i would forward that email. it seems like a threat, no matter how serious he might be on following through with it. 🙂 good for you!
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Is anti-transexual violence a problem in your area? I thought that was a more regional thing, and less common in larger East Coast cities. It’s a stretch to call it a threat, but for someone who obviously doesn’t care it is an odd thing to say.
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We all get intimidated at times TS CD gay or so called” Normal?” Blessings
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Your ex’s husband, like so many, is driven by intense fear turned into hate. It’s sad. I’m so glad to hear things went well with your kids. 🙂
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I am glad it went as well as it did! But you did have SOMETHING to do with raising them, of course.
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This totally didn’t show on my “new and improved” OD bookmarks list as new. Oy. I am SO pleased for you. Well, except for the frickin’ nutjob part. 🙂 *hugs*
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I am glad your children took it so well – how my children would take it was my biggest concern.
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