
Hi everyone,


there’s a group called GLAD – Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders – and they produced this video on transgender inclusion and workplace issues. It’s quite excellent.  


It’s called "Everyone Matters" but also seems to be named "10 Minutes of Dignity".  It is about 10 minutes long.


 I think that sums it up nicely.  thanks for watching.




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March 20, 2009

That was really interesting, thanks for posting it!

March 20, 2009

Nice. My husband and I used to be BGLAD members in college. (Our group added a bisexual in front of it.) We have had a few friends go through the transition. It is very good to see someone like yourself willing to speak out about the process.


March 21, 2009

Maybe….ten minutes of required viewing for workers in the public sector as well?? xoox

March 22, 2009

Thanks for joining my blogspot page. 🙂 I clicked on your pict and was able to get links to other TG blogs. I couldn’t figure out how to find any, but yours led to others and so on and so on. Do you have a blog?

March 23, 2009

xoxoxoxo ryn: Peter Johnson?? – gawd that was the best his parents could come up with? no joke – my h worked with a guy named Richard Dick. Seriously. Dick Dick.