Writing on here? OMGWTFBBQ!!11!1OneEleventyEleven

Yeah, I figure if I write here from time to time people might actually write back. Well… Maybe. Not that I check here terribly often, which is a shame, considering how many years I have been here. But such is life.

I bought a Playstation 2 a couple of months ago. No particular reason, It’s the first gaming system I’ve owned since the Intellivision. So it’s been a while, you could say. (Hell, does anyone else here ever remember owning an Intellivision)? So Far, I’ve bought Gran Tourism 3 and 4, Capcom Vs SNK 2, Intellivision Lives! (just seemed so apropos), and last but not Least Guitar Hero 2.

I’ve been having fun with Guitar Hero 2, Having finished all the songs on Easy, Medium and Hard Difficulty. Expert is going to be a real pain though. I’ve played so much I have callouses forming on my finger tips and I’ve sprained fingers (and wow, does that hurt when you do it, My Pinky still hasn’t totally recovered but it’s functional and I suppose it’ll get better in time), Amusingly enough it’s helping my Ring finger recover from being badly sprained last summer when I went bowling. I’m getting mobility and strength back in it, it’s just all the other fingers on the hand that are hurting now.

Of course, Amy utterly kicks my ass on Medium with most songs. Go figure. But I am not going to give up yet, I still think I can take her on hard or expert. It’s just way too easy to lose concentration about halfway through the song, miss a few notes and suddenly I’m horribly behind.

Lets see I’m still working up in Duluth, living in Jonesboro and putting about 3000 miles per month on my car (253,500 miles and counting). Such a good car. Still working on the second Draft of my book. Into Chapter 3, but I’m easily distracted right now… Write write… ooh look, something shiny!

and last but not least… And the Trogdor comes in the night! 🙂

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April 4, 2007

‘Bout time.. some people thought you dead…. *nods*

April 4, 2007

omgwtfbbq = WoW lingo! :-O hugs n love,

We got a ps3 for christmas and it’s ok. The graphic’s are awesome but other than that it’s not worth the cost. I so want Guitar hero’s but I’d suck soooooo bad at it that I wouldn’t be able to play for laughing at myself. I was thinking of you the other day and wondering where you’ve been. I started to worry that something had gone wrong but then you poped back up and left a message so I’m ok now.How’s your health doing? Mine is great considering the shitty health status I was born w/. I have been off pain pills and pain patches for 3 months now so yah for me. Do ya have myspace? I ask b/c it seem’s everyone and their mother has it. If ya do let me know and I’ll find ya and add ya. I do miss you ya know that don’t ya? *mwah*