Woo Milla Jovovich has 2 movies out today

For my gentle readers, I just wanted to update you on the newest Milla news. “The Dummy” where she plays a gutter punk grrrl has come out in limited release, (critics give it a generally good review so far). Also coming out today the Noir Detective film “No Good Deed” starting Milla and Samuel Jackson has also hit the theatres in wider release. go seek and go view them verily.

Currently Milla has 3 more films in the pipeline. “you stupid man” which has been finished for a while and is awaiting a distributor, “Resident Evil: Apocolypse” is currently in the filming stage and projecting a Feb 2004 release, and finally, “Ultraviolet” a film currently in preproduction with a part writtain specificly for Milla. Filming is scheduled to start in December 2003 with a relase date projected sometime in 2004.

Here is the premise, (taken from greg’s previews on yahoo movies):

Premise: In the late 21st century, a subculture of humans have emerged who have been modified genetically by a vampire-like disease, giving them enhanced speed, strength and intelligence, and because they are set apart from ordinary “healthy” humans, societal riffs push the world to the brink of worldwide civil war between the human government and the enhanced diseased populace. Caught in the middle is one such infected woman, Violet (Jovovich), who finds herself protecting a nine-year-old boy who has been marked for death.

I’ve heard worse premises. heh.

anyway, I’m going to bed, long day tomorrow … and sunday…. gooooooo falcons.


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All acting talent aside… I just love watching her move… and her eyes…. or dear lord… I think I have a crush on a celebrity.

LOL! Well I just wrote an entry about No Good Deed..Milla yummy..Thanks for the movie and your company.Hugs:-)

Milla kicks.

Milla was wonderful…but oh. dear. GOD. No Good Deed SUCKED. …got to see a preview the other night for RE: Apocalypse…creative hook, too.