While you were out

you think you’re saying something relevant as you connect the dots….

I wonder at times if people even try to think big anymore. It’s so hard to wrap your mind around a long term project, let alone a project that involves your mind, your spirit and learning about yourself. People get to a certain part, then drift away from it. Learning about yourself is difficult. there’s no doubt about that, however, for a lot of people, there is no effort to learn. Trying to discover what makes yourself tick, trying to learning what drives you to do the things that you do. why you do the things you do. it’s not easy, but if you want to become more than what you are, you *must* learn. otherwise, you will not grow, you will not become what you dream.

Dream big, but learn the work it takes to make that dream true.

Oh and there was a tropical storm in the gulf of mexico, it hit mexico, so no one in US noticed. 🙂

Impeach Bush – After all, if getting a blowjob can get you impeached, getting a couple thousand americans killed because of a personal grudge against Saddam, or if you are something of a tin foil hatter, that Bush and company are so in bed with big oil and big corporations that they’re willing to send your troops to death for profit. (and yes, this has happened in the past, The United States have been involved in several government overthrows in central and south america, Panama, Guatemala, In an effort to protect a corporations interest.

If you want more info, check the downing street memos.

In other news someone has file a claim to try and convert Supreme court Justice Souters house to a hotel as an effort to illustrate the danger of permitting an erosion of the 5th amendment rights of American citizens. They would have a cafe included called the ‘just deserts cafe’

And just because I think Bush should be impeached, doesn’t mean I want US troops to leave Iraq in chaos. Even thouh the US screwed up, and We as a nation F***ed up, we have a responsibility to clean up our messes best we can and make sure we don’t create an even bigger mess.

And I’m not a damned Liberal.

And also an interesting little tidbit. The united states imposed 3 percent tax on all telephones to fund the Spanish American war. Guess what, we’re still paying that tax 107 years later. I’m glad to see my contribution to the war effort against the evil spanish invaders is going strong. 🙂

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June 30, 2005

That is very true.In order to learn we have to grow and change.i try to look at most of my life experiences as a learning process especially the bad ones. LOL! Poor Mexico, no one notices them anymore:-( So any tropical storms or hurricanes coming in for a landing next week? Some very nice person has invited to Florida for a visit next week;-) hehe meow