Upon Further Review: (Cradle of Filth Review)

So, I purchased the Cradle of Filth Album “Nymphetamine” and to be perfectly honest, I disliked it so much upon first listen that I ended up putting on Shadows Falls new album (Which who knows maybe I’ll review it later, along with Otep’s new Album, who may be the most disturbing band I’ve heard ever, I blame Lauren for Otep (ok, blame in a good way blame *grins*) because it’s also one of the best bands I’ve heard in a long time).

So, I’ve listened to The Cradle of Filth a bit more, and it’s growing on me rapidly. Certainly after the dissapointment that was “Damnation and A Day” I was hoping to see a little more creativity coming from the band that has been called “NKOTB of Death Metal” (hey, they called themselves that, not me, let’s hope there are no Marky Mark References as well). The album has a more varied feel, With a little more airtime given to Sarah Deva and her amazing voice and vocals. so without further ado here are the tracks and my takes on them:

  1. Satyriasis: Intro track, nothing really special about it, though it has a nice dark feel to it.
  2. Gilded C***: It’s typical CoF. Overdrive on the drums. (to the point the song feels a little force in places. However the Chorus line is powerful and very driving.) Still hate Dani Filth’s “Singing” though.
  3. Nemesis: Another Stock CoF song, slower paced and a Doom metalish at the start. then continues with a mid tempo pace. There’s a few good changes of pace, though.
  4. Gabrielle: Eh, a change of pace but nothing special. However the style changes.
  5. Absinthe with Faust: Starts with a nice piano Riff. then has a Down-tempo lead in. It tries for Majestic. I don’t think it quite makes it
  6. Nyphetamine (overdrive): Title track. it’s long and kinda epic sounding. I like the sound. Pieces of this make me go wow. Pieces of it make me go hmmm. but it’s another change of pace.
  7. Painting flowers white never suited my palatte (I”m not kidding): with a title that long, no suprise, it’s an instrumental.
  8. Medusa and Hemlock:Oddly enough there are certain parts of this song that remind me of the Pestilience album “Spheres” which isn’t a bad thing, I remember listening to the song and going slightly nuts trying to think to myself “where have I heard those strange slightly spacey noises before? I really like this song a lot. (perhaps my favorite song on here)
  9. Coffin Fodder: Reminds me of songs from Cruelty and the Beast. Which isn’t a bad thing. because it’s different enough to still be enjoyable and not a retreat. I like this song a lot as well.
  10. English Fire: Eh? Sounds like Gabrielle in a lot of ways It’s ok, but not spectacular.
  11. Filthy Little Secret: You know, this song has a really happy feel to it. Particularly considering the title of the track. Makes you wonder what they’re thinking 🙂 but I like this song.
  12. Swansong for a Raven: Awww, sweet sad piano song. oh wait, it’s CoF time to pick up the music. Also reminds me of stuff from Bitter Suites to Succubi. (an album I really liked by them) so another thumbs up
  13. Mother of Abominations: Eya eya Cthulu Futagan. Whee! Nothing like having worshippers of a 30’s cult horror literary figure. (Kinda reminds me of Scientology…) But it’s a fun song.
  14. Nymphetamine (fix): Shortened Remix of the title track. Still good.

All in all, the second half of the album (starting with the title track) seems to be a stronger album. Maybe I’m still a little jaded from the dissapointment that was “damnation and a day”, but I’m willing to give this a cautious thumbs up. If you like Cradle of Filth, you will probably like this album. However, anyone who’s not a major CoF fan, may have trouble with this album. Personally I think the most Accessable Albums by CoF are Midian and Bitter Suites to Sucubbi.

One final note: The pictures in the liner notes are annoying, About the only people interested in looking at the pictures are probably the 15 year old males who will go.. oooh. At least on prior albums, the imagry was sexual but also… creative. Oh well. just food for thought.

Top Cradle Of Filth Albums:

  1. Midian
  2. Bitter Suites to Sucubbi
  3. Dusk and Her Embrace
  4. Nymphetamine
  5. Cruelity and the Beast
  6. Damnation and a Day

Note: Nymphetimine may move up over time, but for now. That’s how I’d rank em

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November 19, 2004

I agree, Midian is the the best, but I’ve also heard a couple of songs from Dusk and her Embrace that I liked alot as well. Otep soooo rocks! I’m so in love with them now,thanks to you:-) I must get thier album.

I just can’t get into them. Way too heavy for me.

November 20, 2004

Ryn:Very good advice,thank you.The problem doesn’t affect my health but it could grow if I don’t do something about it.I’ll being seeing my friend tonight so I’m planning on discussing it.Ugh, I dislike confrontations immensely hehe.Thanks again *hugs*