
My mother just finished taking her echo cardiogram. It’s a strange mix of news. For those of you who didn’t know (and that’s everyone considering I haven’t told anyone about it in the last week). My mother has been having issues where her heart stops beating for multiple seconds at a time, 3 – 4 seconds… causing some severe dizzy spells and other issues. her resting pulse rate reflects taht and is around 40 BPM (which is way down for her.) So, to say that I’m concerned…. yeah… that’s one way to put it.

We won’t know the peliminary results for a few days, but so far her heart itself seems strong. Just behaving badly… there’s also a leak in her aorta valve, which doesn’t seem severe. but it was noted.

My Friend got into a wreck friday, and was in the hospital. She was forunate, as she was wearing her seatbelt. The driver wasn’t and is still in the hospital (of course it didn’t help that they were hit on the side by a car that ran a redlight onto his side). He should recover fully, but it’ll take a few months it seems. My friend is mostly just bruised all over and sore. which isn’t surprising.

Me? I’m fine, I even did a workout today, the first time in a week. though it feels like I have bruises on my face for some reason. still not quite sure what’s up with that.

My Pittsburgh friend decided to call me today, in an effort to find more about James Plotkin. I’ve decided I don’t understand people, and I’m going to enjoy my lack of understanding 🙂

I wonder if I can finish the first draft of my book tonight….

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March 1, 2005

*hugs* You have quite a bit going on with you..I hope things get better. Yes ive also decided to give up trying to understand people,they make absolutely no sense whatsoever so why try

Oh geez I hope your mom is ok. Maybe your family has a hidden problem w/ hearts. You have a problem and now your mom might have one. Makes me worry about everyone else. *kisses for my cookie*

Sorry about your mudder Y.B. I did not know anything was happening. Did I? Was I sleep-talking when you told me? If so, that does not count. I WAS Listening. Hugs, kisses, waffles, brownies and the sexy superhero duo of Amy^2. Adore you. Call the Amy if you need me.