Update for todayt

I should be in bed damnit.

it’s way too late and I’ve managed to have one knock down drag out argument that started around 7pm and rolled on till 9pm. had another smaller one around 2am that petered out due to apathy and exaustion. happily no ice cream was thrown at any party members. *chuckles I had to…*

I’m probably going to start a new open diary, the purpose of which will be to post my rough draft as I write it. please note, this will be a first draft. and as such will be extremely raw. expect mistakes of all types in the draft copy. once I finish the rough draft, I’m going to set things aside for several weeks then edit it in a harsh manner.

what you, my dear gentle readers can do. is write your comments about the book, about each passage, the flow… the charcters, are they wooden? do their actions seem realistic… is a particular line sentence or phrase clunky… keep your comments as specific as possible. after all it’s helpful for me to know what works and what doesn’t.

when the diary is up, I’ll post here the name of the diary and will slowly and steadily post the chapters as they are built and edited for the open diary.

yes, I’m alive. still pondering some serious life changes that could be pretty damn dramatic if I do them. but we shall see.


calling my name….


she looked at Kevlar. Her eyes shimmered as she flowed up to his prone body. “How do you hurt someone who has lost everything? You give them back something broken.”

alle mein Liebe en Asche. du hast alle mein Risse.

Log in to write a note

The new me. The old me is not really there anymore, just for show. Please keep the new me only. *sighs missing ice cream everyday but understands that the things you want aren’t always what’s best for you* Take care~

P.S. No one else knows about the new me. If you want to leave a note, make sure its a private note please.