The Hardest Time For Me

It is here. it is now. Now is when I think of the past, I think of my friends and I think of my world, my failures and my life. Now is when I Have to keep thinking to myself, ‘do I quit or do I keep pushing forward.’

I have a friend that I haven’t seen in a year, I miss her terribly, and I’d give anything In the world to be with her. but that is not to be. I think more about her now than any other time, because when I have seen her, it was in Novemeber. Amazing how dreams can be wrought on such fleeting times with someone. But as all dreams, they end up becoming as insubstantial as any dream may be.

I hate work. I really do. and frankly, I don’t care at this point if I keep this job or not. I want to move on and do something else. I’m even actually signed up to take the GRE. wish me luck.

I have to scratch my head, I have so many people who do care about me, and who mean a lot to me, and whom I care about so deeply. Yet, within me I still feel empty and hopeless. Tired of the fight. (but what am I fighting? myself of course, the most useless battle ever.)

To those people who do care, who do listen, thank you, I’m sorry ahead of time if I quit. But even i have to give up at some point. My head is down, my vision is dim. just a terrible tiredness.

I’m sorry.


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November 17, 2003

Oh no you’re not gonna quit damnit, not after everything we’ve been through!! If I’m not allowed to quit then neither are you!! I’m here for you I’m always here, day or night, BUT NO QUITTING ALLOWED!!! *hugs*

You know I love ya, you know I do and I’ll be behind you in whatever you decided to do. Don’t say giving up, saying taking a break from the stress. I know you and YOU would never give up. You just need a break from things and slow down. Do whatever makes you happy and you know I’ll always be here for ya.

OOPS….that was me that left a note….~Nichole~

I care about you and think about you all the time. 🙂 *hugs* much love~Carmen

Hey! Hang in there. It will all be okay in the end. Check out my diary, I put my new story out there. Leave me a private note and let me know what you think about it. *hugs* ~Me

November 23, 2003

your right, dreams dont always come to be, but never give up dear. i care about you too. As do many others on this site and off. I’m here for you whenever..even if it doesnt mean as much….*hugs*

i’m gonna be conceited here for one minutes and think you are talking about me…i miss you too honey, lots and lots…if i’m wrong, well i still miss you…i miss your cock in my mouth…your hands on my neck…your voice in my ear.

December 30, 2003

What’s GRE? Good luck.