So there I was at a party…

Mmmm yep, My Lesbian ™ Friend decided to drag me to a party last night. After a few abortive starts and stops, I ended up at the apartment complex. So, Standing there in my jeans -mesh-shirt and t-shirt on top (I don’t have a jacket down in floreeedah, so I wore the mesh shirt to keep warm (and in case I went clubbing)). I was like… hmmmm I know no one here.

So I find Rachel in the party, and she introduces me to people. Mind you, I don’t remember any of the names. and the guy girl ratio was rather bad (from a straight male prospective) 2:1 guys:women. And to make matters worse, It seemed that most of the women were with other women. oh well. just kinda relaxed and kept to myself.

Part of my problem stems from an unwillingness to talk to strangers. I’m way too introverted, and I guess I really want people to talk to me first.

Anyway so I’m just kinda chilling out and my Lesbian friend starts mock fighting with this guy. then drags him off and makes out with him…. errrrrr

So, anyway. he comes and apologizes to me for like 15 minutes. and I’m like, it’s not like her and I’m an item. I’m was just a little befuddled.

So eventually we leave… head over to my place… and end up making out for a bit (me and my lesbian ™ friend)

drive her back to her place, make out some more… and then I head home.

mmmm yep…. I have a strange life.

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October 16, 2004

Hmmm making out with a hot lesbian, why wasn’t I invited to this party? hehehe:-p