Odd Dream

So, I slept. And dreamed of being in a bedroom with an old friend, whom I’ll name “B”. B and I were fooling around but she was in a hurry for some reason. I wasn’t quite sure why, but then she went off to another room and then she walked past with her boyfriend in tow (Odd I don’t remember her having a boyfriend). So, a little confused, I walk downstairs and find myself in my parents kitchen (and oddly, I remember the bedroom I was in being the bedroom of my childhood). My parents and I chat and then I start walking down the street, walking on the side of a really steep hill (80%+ Incline) to avoid having B and her bf try to run me over as the drove by.

I start crossing the street of my old neighborhood and I see a motorcyclist get hit by a car at the intersection. he goes flying and I walk up to him. Other people walk up to start moving him and I yell at them to not move him because it might make his injuries worse. But when I look closer, he’s laying there and it looks like his helmet had flown off, but I realized that only the top of his helmet had broken and flown off. unfortunately for him, the top of his head had also broken off and his brain had flown out of him onto the ground a few feet away.

People are walking up and I’m shooing them away from the body and telling them repeately to not step on the brain as I’m calling 9-1-1.

“9 1 1”

“yeah, There’s been an accident, a guy was on a motorcycle and was hit by a car.”

“Was anyone hurt?”

“I pretty sure he’s dead.”

“Have you checked to see if he’s moving.”

“His brain is lying 5 feet away from him.”

I don’t remember the rest of the conversation, but I do remember trying to set up stuff to try to direct traffic around the fella. the lanes had shrunk down to about 3 feet wide, and suddenly there were toll booths that looked remarkably like metal detectors. So I took twigs and other things and laid them down onto the ground to help direct the traffic.

And that’s when I woke up.

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May 5, 2005

wow I dont know how that dream would be interpreted. That would be a strange phone call to make tho. I’m sorry that I find a certain part funny tho when you say that his brain is five feet away. Even tho in some ways its not too funny. Thanks for your note! What you said in it really is true! Take care! ~Des

May 5, 2005

Aww…. twigs…. maybe theres some things going on in your life that you think might end up… “disastrous” and you want to try and avoid them? Hugs and Love,

Ok not a clue as to what that dream means. And I thought I had some weird one’s. Are you sure your med’s are causing the weird dream? My med’s do that so I have weird one’s every night. Take care and hope you figure this one out. Nichole

May 6, 2005

Not sure but the dream could indicate that you are a take charge kind of person.Think about it, in all of the factes of the dream you somehow remained calm and rational and took charge of the situation.Maybe you feel as if thats what you’re doing in your life right now,being everyone’s caretaker so to speak.Ehhh just a 1 minute dream interpretation, i could be way off:-)

i know it was supposed to be funny…but reading that is pretty damn funny. directing traffic with twigs…

i mean wasn’t

May 10, 2005
