Movies I want to see…

The following is a not quite complete list of movies I really want to see.
Please note, release dates are subject to change by the movie gods, so please
keep your eyes open.

April 2 – Hellboy: Cheesy fun action, what more could you want?
April 2 – Shaolin soccer: (Limited Release) A cult Classic finally coming to the american big screen. Here’s hoping it makes a wider release soon.

April 16 – Kill Bill v2: I’m not sure if the first movie was really good, or really bad. but either way I have to see the sequal and find out what happens.
April 16 – The Punisher: hmmm This might be the iffiest of all the movies on the list of movies I want to see. But, I still think i want to see it.

May 7 – Van Helsing: I really think this movie is going to suck. But it’s got Kate Beckingsale, and for the women (and alternative lifestyle men) it’s got Hugh Jackman.

May 14 – Troy: Actually I don’t want to see this movie. Not unless they’re all speaking Ancient Greek and don’t include subtitles and they really kill Brad Pitt. (Mind you, I think Brad Pitts a good Actor, but He’s the whipping boy for all my ire towards this movie…) You wonder why I dislike this movie so much? It comes down to the previews I’ve seen. They remind me of a TNT special movie that was made for TV. I’ve seen better production effort made in a DBZ preview.

May 28 – The Day After Tomorrow: Woo! The first big Special effects blockbuster I want to actually watch (Troy and the Alamo do not count). And it’s based on Disasterous Climatic Changes! Well, They’ve already done floods, volcanos, tornados, screwing with the Core of the earth, asteroids, comets, rampaging dinosaurs, and evil doers. Why not have the bad guys be us consumers who pollute the world with global warming. How in the heck this movie managed to make it into production, let alone become something billed into a giant special effects blockbuster, is beyond me. But Considering my deep dark desire is to become a meterologist, I just HAVE to go see this movie.

June 4 – Harry Potter #3: Woot woot! Darker. More Dangerous! Even more sinister plots abound! Sounds like my relationships at times. But nontheless, Having been bitten by the Harry Potter bug a couple of years ago, despite my best efforts to innoculate myself with large dosages of Steven King and Issac Asimov, I reall want to watch this movie.

June 11 – Chronicles of Riddick: The Sequal to Pitch Black. Riddick isn’t evil, he’s just misunderstood. I enjoyed Pitch black because of the emphesis on character interaction. There wasn’t a major effort to overwhelm the movie with special effects (though the eclipse scene has got to be one of the single best sequences in the history of special effects. The subtlety and effort put into creating that sequence is amazing. and the effect, coupled with its implications gave me chills during the movie). The sequal takes place 5 years later, This time opening up the world of riddick for the rest of the movie going audience to see. (For those people who want other great examples of an anti-hero, read any of the works of Stephen R Donaldson)

June 30 – Spider man 2: Sigh. I suspect I’ll be dragged to this one, even though I really don’t want to see it.

More on the movies I want to see in the next post…

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April 6, 2004

Kill Bill 1 was fantastic…Can’t wait for part 2…though I wish he just made it an intermission flick…man’s gotta make the dinero right? It’s Quentin, I’ll let it slide.

April 6, 2004

YES! Saw your listing and was hoping ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ would be on that list! It’s tops on mine.. and I am a Meteorologist in Training (Junior in college), so it most definaately apeals to me! :o) That and the tornadoes in LA, that so gets the storm chaser in me! Enjoy!

I just saw “walking tall” and it was actually pretty good, considering. “Hellboy” has grown on me, avoinding “spider-man”. “Helsing” looks iffy and the sequel to pitch black looks awesome. “HARRY POTTER” rocks and I can hardly wait. But you would of probably dragged me to see “Kill Bill v.1” and “Kill Bill v.2”.And I want to see “Troy” just b/c Orlando Bloom is in it.Death to Brad Pitt. *kisses*

^^^^ oops forgot to sign my name *smacks head* so you’ll know who this is. NICHOLE p.s- come back home