Mindless Self Indulgence Review….

you’ll Rebel to anything……As long as it’s not challenging. The Title track to Mindless Self Indulgence, is an slam at everything that is wrong with Corporate Music Industry. The efforts to push artists to make watered down pap that sounds like every other watered down pap is distressing at best. What makes it an even sorrier state of the music in the world today, is the willing culpability with most major artists, who make whatever they can in order to make the most money, creativity be damned.

So, how does MSI’s YRTA stack up? It’s several parts briliance, mixed in with some good strong album tracks. The music is still MSI, but heavier, a little slower, and in some places, not quite up to the sheer effontry of Despierta Los NiƱo, This album is longer, at around uhhh 23 minutes (compared to DLN’s 13 minutes). The album takes the continued path that started with Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy, as DLN was heavier, faster and… much more… bizzare. YRTA cranks up the album, and sounds a heck of a lot more like their life shows. Which isn’t a bad thing.

After listening to the album all evening, here are my first impressions:

Track listing:

Shut Me Up (2:48) – “I like my coffee black, just like my metal” It’s catchy, very heavy guitars, catchy as all hell, and I can imagine hearing this at the concert and seeing everyone going nuts.

1989 (1:57) – My first impressions were echos of Misfits, then ‘ballroom blitz’, then Metal? uhhhh, uhhh, I can’t make up my mind if this song is brilliant or skitzophrenic. But damn, it’s catchy too.

Straight To Video (3:44) – Synth! and dancy industrial, I can hear this at any dance club that has their crap together, and even now I’m bouncing in my chair as I think to myself, they’re not quite as insane as LDN but damn it’s fun to listen to and very anthemish! and then…

Tom Sawyer (2:24) – Uhhh, yeah, it’s a cover, of Rush, and an INSANE cover, that they’re doing the guitars solos with voice parts is either brilliant or an absolute mockery of Rush, or… maybe a little bit of both. my Jaw was open throughout the first listen of this song thinking to myself, “they Did NOT just… yeah, they did, holy shit!”

You’ll Rebel To Anything (As Long As It’s Not Challenging) (2:32) – I’m seeing a pattern here, they’re taking stuff and twisting it until it’s either brilliant, or insane. And yes, this is a slam at ever commercial music loving person out there. Take the slam you … you you… gahhh, don’t you realize everytime you buy from a major label (this is NOT released on a major label) you help perpetuate the near slavery that the artists live under… Free them from… *smack* ok I’m fine, onto the review, “you’re telling me that 50 million screaming fans are never wrong, I’m telling you that 50 million screaming fans are fucking morons” The song isn’t the best on the album but its… so on.

What Do They Know? (3:08) Maybe the weakest track, but still a fun catchy tune, I’m not sure what doesn’t quite work for me on this song, but it doesn’t quite hold up at this point.

Stupid MF (2:25) – oh my god, Brilliant, yes, the MF stands for what you think it does, and that’s the chorus.

2 Hookers & an 8 Ball (2:17) – Once again, brilliant, or insane? you decide. but I think it’s brilliant.

Prom (2:29) – *blinks* feels his brain melting, Amazing, just amazing.

Bullshit (2:40) – Jaw dropped again.

Personally I consder this to be a highpoint of 2005 music. And I suspect it will move MSI solidly into my top bands. they have a website and you can listen to some of their music that is available on MP3. http://www.mindlessselfindulgence.com take the time to check it out. NOW!

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