Lovesong: Part III (ch 4)

Rhee looked rather nonpulssed by the apparant non sequitor. She stared for a moment before replying slowly, “you mean with the Krauts invading Poland yesterday?” Do you really think france and England are going to go to war with Germany?”

Burton looked at Rhee with a quiet but level gaze, all elements of levity gone from his voice and his expression, “I dunno, but that guy, Hitler, he scares me, I really think he wants to rule the world. I…” Burton pauses for a moment then starts again, “You know Rhee, I really think I should go ahead and join the army, I’m almost finished with college and we all know a war is coming, so I’d rather be allowed to enlist on my own terms, and not on the army’s terms” Burton reached out and gently took Rhee’s hand in his. Rhee grasped his hand with both hers in a grip that as as protective as it was fearful. “I know you don’t like war,” Burton continued, “and I know we’ve talked about this idea, but gosh Rhee, I really think this is something I need to do.”

Rhee looked back at Burton and gave a quiet smile, “I Know Burton,  you’ll always be stubborn and headstrong, always doing what you can to save the world. I just worry because I don’t want you to forget about me when you’re off doing your world saving. You know,” Rhee look around, as if making sure no one else could hear her, “I’ve loved you from the day we played freeze tag and you let me trick you into getting caught.” She held up a hand to forestall Burton from speaking. Keeping a secure hold on his other hand she began walking with him deeper into the woods talking quietly and comfortable as they continued. “Promise me, you’ll not dissapear Burton, promise me you’ll not go away forever, because I can’t imagine my world without you.”

Their walk continued quietly for a few more minutes, their footsteps concealed by the breeze shifting through the trees. Up ahead a dim glow could be seen from the opening of a treehouse window. burton looked over at rhee and seeing her questioning look, put a finger to her lightly to her lips. He slowly walked up with her to the treehouse and climbed up opening the door at the bottom. “Come on up Rhee, I told you I had another idea where we could hang out.”

Reaching up to his outstretched hand, Rhee manuvered herself up to the bottom of the treehouse. “Why thank you my gallant Burton I…” Rhee’s eyes grew wide as she took in the surroundings. Placed in each corner were candles. giving the treehouse enough light and warmth to feel cozy. a blanket and pair of pillows were placed to one side of the house. there was also a little table, the feet perhaps a foot long, comfortable for sitting indian style in a house like this. on the table, a small pail with mostly melted ice and a pair of cokes. Sitting on the table but not unnoticed was a little wrapped package. “Oh wow” she breathed as she scooted up to the table.

Somewhat self conciously Rhee sat in front of the table, taking the proffered coke nervously, taking a little sip as she watched Burton drink from his own coke. Rhee put the coke back down and began smoothing down the front of her dress nervously. Her eyes glittering with excitement and something… else. Burton leaned over and took her hand for a moment, “I’m sorry I couldn’t come up with better on such short notice, but I reckon this will have to do for my wonderful conditions. I just hope my beautiful princess can forgive me for such paltry conditions.” His smile made it obvious how much he was playing, and Rhee laughed and lightly pushed at his hand.

“Oh you truely are a scoundral, I wonder how much of this you planed Mr Bell.” She gave a grin but then smothered it quickly, bringing back a stern expression as she looked over at him. “I bet Mr Jackson was in on it. and and… and who else?”

“you know what I wish I could have right now Rhee?” Burton began talking, “I wish I could have one of those fountain cokes, that they add the cherry into? those things are soo good… ”

Rhee’s eyes grew even wider, “don’t you dare change the subject over there, just what are you up to?”

Burton gave a smile then grew serious again, and took the box, letting his fingers brush her lightly, placed it into the palm of her hands. “Open it,” he urged, watching her fingers tracing lightly over the package in her hands, cupping it carefully. “I thought…” as she pulled the bow off, “you might…” her fingers tore at the wrapping paper, “like this…” her fingers pulled up the lid. “it was my grandmothers,” As the cotton is taken gently out. “I really think she would think you deserve this more than anyone else in the world.” Burton took out the ring and got on his knees in front of Rhee, who was by now giggling and blushing and trying to breathe from the shock and excitement.

“I thought about this while I was at school Rhee. and I asked your father a few days ago, and he said that if you said yes, then I could. ” He looked up at her with a serious yet hopefull expression, “you asked me not to forget about you, not to go away forever, well I don’t want to. and I’m not going to.” Burton paused and looked up at rhee, who had a hand to her mouth her eyes shining in the candlelight.

“Rhee, will you marry me?”

(Continued in Part IV)

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You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you writing again! This is wonderful. I can’t wait to read more. *SmileS* Remember, no matter what happens, I will always be reading. Me

September 29, 2003

Simply wonderful as I’ve always said. Take care and keep writing