Just a quick update

heya people…

I promised to write more in here, but I haven’t had any time free to really write… I’m staying up way past my bedtime to write in here as it is, but i must try my best to keep up I suppose. (I don’t have to, but I do normally like writing in here, after all it’s entertaining and interesting.)

what’s been happening? well….

1) working away at the new job, while at the same time hanging out with my friends and doing my storytelling gig at atlanta Interactive theatre… 2 years and still going…. oh well,there goes the idea of being a Storyteller 18 months tops…

2) still single, but… hung out with a really sweet friend of mine who used to live in georgia, then promptly moved to florida, and then moved back to gainesville FL after an unsettling breakup with her boy friend at the time. this person is someone who in a lot of ways is one of the most interesting and totally attractive people i’ve met in a very long time. But we’ve both agreed that despite the mutual attraction, there is no point or need to rush into anything, particularly so soon after a bad break up. So Went down to florida for the weekend and hung out. The irony of this, I used to date someone in Gainesville a number of years ago. and it was amazing how much I remembered of the place. very scary stuff I tell ya.

3) talking to another old friend that was in my classes at Clayton. She’s an absolute sweetheart and someone who could steal my heart without even breaking a sweat. Strange world we live in.

4) my birthday is coming up… sigh… I’m tired of getting older LOL, but I guess it beats being dead at the moment.

anyway, off to get some sleep, I’m worn out enough as it is, no point in pushing myself too hard and hurting myself. be safe and be well 🙂

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*sighs* you always promised youd keep in touch with me and talk to me… but you haven’t *sad look on face* Give me a call sometime doll you have my cell number… or am I just not attractive or good enough to talk to anymore…

Don’t push yourself too hard…that’s what friends are for. 😉 *offers hugs* seriously, though, I’m glad you’ve been enjoying some of the better things in life.

May 22, 2003


Just letting you know I was here.