just a chess game…

if a random chess game could win a brilliancy award…. I’m the one with the black pieces…

1.   d2-d4               //Queen’s Pawn Opening. The Queen’s Pawn opening move is somewhat slower than the popular e4, because White will not be able to castle for three more moves. Its advantage is that it gives White more control over tactical surprises and often provides more lasting initiative and pressure.

       …         d7-d5   //Black answers symmetrically, challenging the center directly.
2.   g2-g3     b8-c6
3.   g1-f3      c8-g4   //Black blocks White’s pawn at g3.
4.   f3-g5      e7-e5
5.   h2-h3                //Threatens Black’s bishop at g4.

       …         g4-h5
6.   d1-d3               //Slightly better is d4xe5.

       …         e5-e4
7.   d3-e3     f8-e7
8.   h3-h4     h7-h6
9.   g5-h3     e7-f6
10. b1-c3               //Slightly better is c2-c3.

        …        c6xd4
11. e3-d2     c7-c5
12. e2-e3??             //Oops! Disasterous move which leads to a rapid end to the game, much better in this circumstance would be Nh3-f4, leading to 12… Bh5-f3 13. Rh1-h2 Ng8-e7 14. e2-e3 g7-g5 15. e3xd4 g5xf4 16. Bf1-b5+ Ke8-f8 17. d4xc5, which wins a knight and a pawn for a knight.

       …       d4-f3+   //Beginning the destruction, forking Whites Queen.

13. e1-e2   f3xd2+   //And down goes the queen, incidently creating more havoc for white with a discovered check.

14. e2xd2  d5-d4
15. c3xe4              //Stepping into a forced mate. White could have delayed the end with e3xd4.

      …        d4xe3+
16. d2xe3  d8-d4+
17. e3-f4   g7-g5+
18. f4-f5   d4-e5++  //And the end for White.

I hope you had fun peeking at this, if I missed something lemme know, but otherwise I think this was one of my first games of chess where I really felt like I didn’t make a mistake. now, if I can keep that up in the long run 🙂


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*stares blankly at screen*

See Mark, that’s why I’ve always loved you – your mind doesn’t work like the rest of ours, it works better, and usually overtime. If you still have my email, drop me a line – I still owe you money and I’m in a position now where I’m actually able to pay it back. That, and I have news. BIG news, LOL. Still love ya hon. I never did kid you on that, and your friendship is missed. Ms. Tilly or..