If you’re registered to vote…

Then Vote, Particularly in the 18 – 29 demographic, which has long been under-represented by the elections. I have made it a point to vote in every election since I could vote when I was 18, but I do understand how easy it is to feel that voting is pointless. If you feel that way though, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Think about it, if you feel that way, think of all the other people  in your county… in your state who feel that their vote would be lost. Think about what would happen if all of you collectively decided to vote. An election that was lost by Al Gore in 2000 by 537 votes, could have just as easily went the other way. We’re not even talking about large numbers of people. Think about how many people potentially could read your open diary, Think about how many people you could organize in the next week if you put your heart into it. Would you feel as though you accomplished something if you could get 10 people to vote? 100? even just one more person?

I have someone who’s part of the Democratic campaign in a state that’s a true toss-up. I’m proud of her for working to try and accomplish something. She’s young, but she’s not sitting on her ass bitching about how bad the government sucks. She’s trying her hardest to make sure the people she cares about the people she believes in… wins.

Even if you don’t believe that John Kerry is worth your Vote, or you believe that George Bush is the step-child of the anti-christ. There are other candidates you can line up behind.

Ralph Nadar: Independant/Reform Party. Ok, So last election the reform party had Buchanan on their ticket (who is a right wing populist) This election, Nadar (Left wing Activist). But Nadar is on 30 something states ballots and certainly could pick up a few votes

Michael Badnarik: Libertarian. Smaller government is better government. That’s the over arching goal of libertarians. The less the government intrudes, the better. The Libertarian Party formed when A group of republicans became frustrated with the Mainstream parties efforts to use the government to implement moral and theocratic laws. (They’re for the decrimilization of Drugs, For the legalization of Gay Marriage, Pro Gun, Pro Choice) They’re on the ballot in 48 states, and could pick up as much as 1 percent of the vote (which isn’t bad when everyone says you’re ‘wasting’ your vote to vote libertarian.

David Cobb: Green Party. The green party rejected Ralph Nadar’s offer to be their presidential candidate, instead picking David Cobb, The Green party is interested in Environmentalism, and the belief that government can be responsible for social justice as well as regulating industry. David Cobb is focused more on growing the party at the grass roots level, And has said that he would consider adjusting his strategies to assure that President Bush does not win re-election.

Other Parties:

Constitution: Michael Peroutka

Socialist: Walt Brown

Here is a great article by David Brin. read it… http://www.davidbrin.com/neocons.html

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October 26, 2004

I sooo plan to vote believe me, even if I do have to drive all the way to gwinnett county to do it:-)