Fighting for freedom on the television

“Have we got everything… she struggles to get away…”

Over and over we die, one after the other. Robert smith had it right. Though he was so wrong when he said boys don’t cry (yeah, Atreyu pointed that out) I’m tired of being the piece of new meat in a clean room. And I sure as hell need to stop listening to the Cure when I’m in this frame of mind. What’s worse, I’m not in a depressed state, just in a foul, bad, heart rended mood. I want to hit things kill my computer, kill my television. I want to bitch slap George Jr and the entire Neo-con wing of the republican party. Not to mention everyone in the world who thinks security is better than freedom, Go live in the Old Soviet Union, or Hell, I hear the New Russia has had a marked return to the police state. Having FBI agents knock on your door and harrass you and inimidate you because you planned to protest the president? What the hell kind of Freedom of speech is that? And what’s worse? How many people out there really care? The United States is only a few steps away from the Old Soviet style repression. We’re not there yet, but with the gutting of the 4th Amendment, the Assault on the First, The willingness of the Liberals to bushwhack the second, I mean, come on people, at the rate we’re going everything in the bill of rights will be illegal in 20 years.

Yeah, screw it, you all would rather be happy in your insular world. Well, Remember this?

We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Any idea where that quote is from? Well, it’s from the declaration of independence of the Colonies from The United Kingdom. Maybe they weren’t perfect, but at least they had a vision, an idea that perhaps People were not meant to be under the grinding foot of government. That government was something that worked with the people, was not something that viewed the people as the enemy.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, my friend who decided to do her damnedest in Ohio to work for what she believed, heading a local democratic group, and trying her best to make sure her voice was heard. I’m damn proud of her. Maybe her side didn’t win, but she is involved in something, something she believes in, and is willing to put the time and energy towards her goal. I wish more people were like her.

and what am I doing to generate my goal? well, I’m converting you slackers to Libertarian… one person at a time 🙂

Anyway, I feel better ranting and getting that off my chest, so I’m in a better mood now.


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December 29, 2004

how ’bout we compromise….i’ll go Green. that is, until the QN party is revived. (we actually fielded a candidate against BushI in 1992….our campaign buttons read “Lick Bush in ’92” )

December 29, 2004

Dude you don’t have to convert me I’m so already there:-)

December 29, 2004

RYN:I suppose my need to be alone on New years eve stems from my depression and my need to isolate myself from the world so as to prove to people that I don’t need is the depression talking.Plus quite frankly as much as I adore everyone around me theres just no one I really want to spend it with.Ive been spending it alone for so many years I just don’t know any other way…

December 29, 2004

RYN(cont): Well if I had my way I’d come to spend new years with you in a heartbeat:-) *HUGS*

December 30, 2004

RYN:Very true,very true *hugs*