Cut Scene Kay and Lauren Converse

Just a scene that simmered in my head, but never made it into the book, simply because It would be difficult to relate without breaking the Kevlar POV writing. (though I suppose it would be possible to relate it as if Lauren were telling the story, but I dunno, it just seemed too contrived in a way, though I might experiment around with it.


Lauren staggered into the darkness blindly; heedless of the danger she knew she was in. She paused and looked down at her hands, She could see her energy pulsing through the skin, as she felt more alive than she had ever felt before. Dimly in the back of her mind she knew the terror of the last day would catch up, and that the nights would be difficult, but for now, she knew there was one thing to do, She sent her mind out searching for the link back to Kevlar. Every time she thought she had it, it slipped from her grasp, until sobbing she began to doubt that she would even felt if in the first place.

She made it back to the clearing and looked in dismay at the torn ground and patches of darkened snow beneath the trees. She stumbled as her foot caught on something. She looked down and with a gasp realized she had stumbled over a corpse that had been partially covered by the rapidly falling snow. She put her hand to her mouth and bit down as she thought it might be Kevlar but quickly realized the body was not wearing his clothes.

Before she could recover from that shock Lauren gasped again as she heard a voice behind her. "You are either incredibly stupid, or stubborn." She whirled and saw Kay standing there, her shirt bloodied. Lauren backed up involuntarily and stumbled over the corpse, falling heavily to the ground. She looked up as Kay walked over staring impassively; "I’m inclined to think the former."

Lauren scrambled to her feet and backed up as Kay continued to advance. "I- I’m just looking for Kevlar."

"You care for him, even now?"

Lauren found herself backed against a tree and began inching around it as Kay continued implacably forward. "Yes, I care for him."

"He doesn’t deserve you to care for him. He does not deserve it." Kays voice rose as she stopped with her hands clenched.

Despite her fear, Lauren felt her ire rise, "He has never harmed me, and I don’t know what the fuck you think he did to you, but he is a good person and he deserves someone to care about him."

Kay stepped forward and grabbed Lauren by the shirt; "He does not deserve you caring."

Lauren froze up. Breathing in pants as she stared at Kay, "What did he do?" She whispered.

Kays eyes flashed a deep red and was silent for a moment. She let go and Lauren stumbled back, "He did nothing." Kay turned and began walking, "Follow me."

Lauren remained still and Kay paused. With her voice shaking with repressed emotion Kay said, "If you want to save your dear Kevlar then you will follow me."

Without further conversation, they walked into a clearing. Spotting Kevlar, Lauren cried out, stumbling in her haste to reach the crumpled body. She pulled Kevlar into her lap and brushed the snow away from his cold face. She rocked him gently as her tears traced down her face and wet his skin. She let her energy slide into Kevlar searching for something, anything that might remain. Nothing, she thought as she looked into the darkness. As her heart sank, and began to break, she more sensed, than saw the spark. Letting herself drift deeper she saw the flame flickering, clinging to life within him. She let herself surround the spark, careful to not to snuff the flame, instead protecting it, nurturing it gently with her energy. She felt Kay move up and still tending to the flickering spark, pulled her awareness to the outside.

Kay  was standing, looking impassively down at Lauren as she held Kevlar. "I was going to kill you." Kay said. Lauren looked up in shock as Kay went on. "But you were not supposed to suffer." Kay moved down and stood over Lauren, "And he was willing to sacrifice himself for you." Kay shrugged. "And I learned a few things."

Lauren rocked Kevlar gently and kissed him on the forehead as her tears ran down her face, then with a flash of anger she responded, "So you you left him there like a piece of meat?"

Kay’s eyes flashed a crimson red, "I could still kill you where you sit you whore.” Lauren blanched at the rage, but Key seemed to ignore the reaction and continued in a calmer tone.”He’s nothing now, he is a piece of meat, because his soul is gone, Somewhere." Kay looked into the darkness and her eyes slowly dimmed.

"He’s still alive," Lauren whispered cautiously, aware now that Kay had gone insane from the revlations and not wishing to set her off further.

"Yes, his body is still somehow holding together, but for how much longer?” Kay asked rhetorically, “you can see the embers dying even as we speak.”

Lauren shook her head in denial. “Live” she whispered.

Kay compressed her lips and as a series of emotions played across her face while she stared at Lauren who was oblivious to the events. Kay’s composure broke and she reached out out to touch Kevlar, but stopped herself. Her expression relaxed and her hand dropped to her side. Kay moved away quietly, leaving Lauren to her whispers.


I know, it’s not very much, but right now I’m have trouble writing when there’s anyone around me, and unfortuantely, with a room mate, i simply cannot get into the mindset needed wo write. I’m probably just move my computer into my room and hope for the best…

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May 8, 2005

Its good, would love to see the final result of your experiments.

May 8, 2005

This is wonderful. Are you going to edit into the final draft? Off topic-thank you for eerything that you’ve done for me in the last couple of days. *hugs*

May 8, 2005

wow… thats really good… *impressed and very interested* i, like you, find it very difficult to write around people, when i was in school, i never did ANY writing assignments in class that i didnt have to… paranoid, maybe? *shrug* hugs and love,

May 13, 2005

you should really think of making this into a book for cause I know I’d definitely turn every page and not want to stop its very interesting and your mind is perfect for writing good and imaginative stories. i miss you. did you get my email? we havent talked in ages…

May 16, 2005

your a wonderful writer. have you published books at all? i think you should after reading this. ~Des