Closedown (section 3 of the disintegration cycle)

Time Started: 1:33am

Music: The Cure

Kevlar sifts through the blackened remains of his house, touching the timbers that held so many memories of the past. Everything that had happened inside that house, remembered in the timbers. but now, those memories were gone in a conflaguration of hatred and spite.

“I think it’s time for me to go my love. memories are all I have and memories will remain. but now i must say goodbye.”

Kevlar traces his way out of the charred wreckage that was his home, looking around not seeing the damage, but instead seeing the images that once were…


“Hey Burton! wake up sleepy head, you’re gonna be late to work!” Rhee shouted up the stairs, resplendant in the morning, as those people who are natually beautiful can be. Upstairs Burton rubs his eyes and looks blearily at the clock, wondering what happened to the night, then smiles as he remembers why he didn’t sleep. With a slight blush he sits up and grins sheepishly at Rhee as she leans against the doorway for a moment, walking saucily up to the side of the bed.

“What’s the matter poor baby, did someone not get enough sleep? I think old age is… EEEEEEEEP!” and with a cry and squeal of suprise she was stopped midsentence by Burton leaning forth and pulling her to the bed and tickling her unmercifully.

Burton gives a wide grin and kisses her solidly on the lips and leaps up, “Oh my, look at the time, I must hop in the shower and not be late!” With a dramatic slap of the back of his hand to his forehead Burton fakes a swoon, “Oh what am I going to do without you Rhee, I shall faint without your radience!”

With a groan, Rhee jumps out of bed and mock growls at him, “Ok, keep that up and I’ll feed your breakfast to that mutt you seem to love so much.”


With a small smile playing across his face, Kevlar retraces the memories and retraces his steps out of the skeletal remains of his home. ….

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May 27, 2003

Nice.I like the details. I’m glad you’re writing again. I’ve missed it:-)