Bush/Cheney approves of Torture??? WTF???

Bush and Cheney have gone on record that torture is a viable and useful tool in the war on terrorism.

Even more amazingly, 58 percent of americans support the use of torture to get information from someone if they think it’ll stop a terrorist attack (though when it was pointed out that countries would then use torture against US service men and women, the number dropped to *only* (sarcastic) 37 percent approval).  WHAT THE HELL is wrong with people? Firstly, torture will not get you accurate information, because people will say ANYTHING to make the pain stop. you don’t think so? I bet I could get you to confess to anything I wanted to make you confess to. We’re not talking about bright lights and yelling at people. We are not talking about crappy food and stuck in a cell. We’re talking about taking people, who may or may NOT know anything.

We’re talking about taking splinters of wood, and shoving them up into your nails, one by one, and ripping each nail off.

We are talking about taking people and putting them under a stream of water until they start to drown. then bring them back, then do it again, and again, and again, and again. everytime, letting them choke for minutes as they struggle.

We are talking about taking electrodes and attaching them to nipples and the genitals and burning them, burning them until the flesh blackens.

We’re talking about beating them, over and over, beating them until they can’t walk, cant move.

We’re talking about taking a vice grip and placing a finger into it, and slowly turning it shut until the skin breaks, the flesh tears and the finger mashes into pulp, then repeating it with each finger. or if you want, put the finger in the vice, and take a hammer to it. smash it down.

White Phospherous, put it on the skin, and light it. watch it burn a hole all the way through the other side. as an added bonus, your ‘terrorist’ doesn’t even lose that much blood because the wounds are cauterized.

are you telling me that you would not tell someone anything, whatever they wanted to hear, just to get that to stop? torture will not get you any information that would be more accurate. People lie under torture and say what they think the torturer wants to hear.

America, despite the arrogance we hold, has always held a moral superiority. we did not torture the nazi’s who commited some of the most heinous crimes in the history of mankind. We did not torture the japanese, even though they massacred, starved, tortured our troops who had been captured. We as a country are better than that! And if you think that condoning torture won’t have consequences. when us Servicemen are raped, tortured and abused. We will have NO moral outrage. we will have NO way to point to the rest of the worlds and say ‘see, this is what we fight against!’ because the world will point the mirror directly at us, and say, ‘then fight yourself’ On this, the ends do NOT justify the means. They cannot, they MUST not.

What’s sdder, it’s the fundemental ‘god fearing’ people who are most likely to approve of torture. What a sick sad country.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so horrified to be an american in my life.

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November 20, 2005

Wow 58% huh? Our society is still so barbaric its amazing.

November 21, 2005

One prime example of the uselessness of torture is the era of Witch Trials, think of Salem, MA. These women, men and children were tortured till they gave names, whether or not they were heretics or not. It becomes useless sadism for the sake of saying “We got this” with no proof whatsoever. No evidence just heresy.

November 22, 2005

lol i wouldn’t run barefoot in the snow any, period, frostbite!? Have you seen the Saw movies? I really like those, they have such twists, and I definitely wanna see more… 😀 Thanks for leavin me a note, it’s been a while. I hope your thanksgiving goes well.. my husband surprised me with a trip to NC to see my family, my grandma jus had surgery, so i’ma surprise them all by showing up:)

We didn’t torture the Japanese… we just took every Japanese citizen and interred them in camps for the duration of the time the US deemed it worthy to participate in the war. Prisoners in the camps were forced to live for extended periods of time in inhuman conditions and were exposed to abuse from the guards and the American society. That’s not torture at all, is it?

November 27, 2005

This is so disgusting 🙁

November 30, 2005


December 2, 2005

i couldn’t ever torture someone like that… it scares the hell out of me… kinda makes you have a sick feelin in your stomach to think about it… *shivers*… ahh..

December 8, 2005