Album Review Atreyu – “The Curse” oh, and Bowling

Perhaps Atreyu should have named their album, “The Hunger” or perhaps, “We decided to make an album all about vampires n stuff” The lyrics could double for a White Wolf Promotional. That or the soundtrack to any Movie based on an Anne Rice book (Not counting the Beauty series… and if you don’t know about Anne Rice’s Beauty Series yet…. you are a sheltered one!). Despite the Hackney’d Thematic concept. (Writing about vampires? everyone’s done that! what a dumb idea! *grins*) the focus here is more on the music. 

I’m hesitant to call the album Metal, It’s heavy enough to sound Metal. It’s hybrid Nu Punk with Metal and Rock influences tossed in. this is not a bad thing. Perhaps in my old age I’m mellowing, but I’m enjoying the catchy well sung chorus’s, I’m enjoying the interesting riffing patterns through out. The singing, well, it’s that combo of growly scream and then going to a more melodic approach depending on the situation. No one can touch Fear Factory’s ability to do this, but Atreyu does a nice job of mixing it up.

  1. Blood Children (An Introduction): Yes, yes it is… (5/10)
  2. Bleeding Mascera: Roaring start. Settles down a bit later, but … it’s a good song to start with (8/10)
  3. Right Side of the Bed: This could have been a single. but the rather interesting use of Profanity means it’d have to be… edited. But… somethings missing here… seems a little uninspired (5/10)
  4. This Flesh a Tomb: Or maybe this would be a single. Actually this is a damn good song (8.5/10)
  5. You Eclipsed By Me: Fast paced and aggressive, Anger and energy drives this song. And yet, it’s still Catchy. 8.5/10
  6. The Crimson: Yes, Robert Smith was wrong. This song wins. (10/10)
  7. The Rememberance Ballad: Followed by this…. not quite crap, but it’s certainly not memorable. Ballad or not, it just doesn’t really work for me (3.5/10)
  8. An Interlude: Yes, Yes it is… (5.5/10)
  9. Corsetting: Lovely Riffing. But man, that singing is only passable (7/10)
  10. Demonology and Heartache: At least they’re consistant with the riffing that is outstanding. (7.5/10
  11. My Sanity on the Funeral Pyre: Yep, The second half of the album is a bit more repetitive with the style than the first half… doesn’t suprise me, but this song does hold up well. (7.5/10)
  12. Nevada’s Grace: Well… Another song that’s not bad, a change of pace, and it’s refreshing after 3 songs, Still heavy. (9/10)
  13. Five Vicodin Chased with a Shot of Clarity: Well, Credit for a title, and the song is another change of pace (9.5/10)

I’m not used to giving that many high scores for an album. Wow. Taken as a whole, I’d have to give the album an 7.4/10 with 5 being an average album. So it’s significantly above average from my viewpoint. (Now, mind you, typically, albums are going to be above average on my reviews, because, well I tend to by albums I like.)

I also have to give real credit Killswitch Engage’s “The End of Heartache”, which I also need to review, because it’s possible it could have a higher score than Atreyu.

Now, bowling: I forgot to mention my scores: 165, 175 and 153. which comes out to to a 3 game score of 493. averaging 164.3 per game. That’s not bad. it’s not bowling god level, but I came close to one of my current goals… a 3 game score over 500

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December 8, 2004

Oh I’m so familiar with the “Beauty” series;-) I’ve heard a couple of songs by Atreyu and I really liked them.I’m anxious to hear more. You=choclately bowling goodness..The bowling zen gods like you,they always must provied them with the appropriate sacfrices.They,however,hate me..except for the one and only time that I beat you…hehe *hugs*:-)

December 8, 2004

ryn: Art is war!! hehe:-)

December 9, 2004

Ryn: LOL!! Yes my cats used to bat at the tv screen when I played video games,they looked so cute yet so stupid at the same time:-) Yes 20 cats..can you imagine the money I’ll be spending in cat litter? MEOW:-)

December 10, 2004

Ryn:*HUGS* Thank you dear:-) The Kumo will win all the prizes at Maxwell’s little winter ball..did I just say that out loud? LOL! Ahh such gamer geeks we are