92L – Disturbance in the Atlantic

Yeah, you thought June was the slow moth for tropical development, we’ve got another area down south of cuba and puerto rico that’s acting up. Add onto it a very strong wave pushed off from africa this weekend. The wave off of africa probably won’t develop, simply because the winds are fighting it hard (and we’ve never had a developing system that far east in June…. ever) So climatology says no way in hell, but remember, there’s a first time for everything.

Now onto 92L sat imagry indicates the system is lopsided with a weak surface low pressure to the south and west of the convection. The convection has been presistant and if the system can keep itself together for another couple of days until conditions become more favorable for development, you could see an interesting little storm brew up. but it’s still up in the air if anything will actually develop….

more later…

what, you want dirt on my personal life? Ha! I’m going to use this for what I feel like using it for! sucka!!!! 😀

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June 14, 2005

I AM the dirt in your personal life-so there,nyah! LOL!;-P Just a friendly note from your narcissist friend:-) *hugs*