finally ready for sleep

My clocks ticking with more time passing by. I can’t decide how I want to write this entry, or if I should just go to bed. I want to do a recap on the last two weeks, but I’m not in a review mood. Which doesn’t make sense seeing as how I was going to reflect on the whole new year thing.

Ok, well, umm, yeah. Massive amount of coherent thought there, can’t you tell? I just checked back on the year of last’s entries. My how things have changed. I forgot how limited I had become. Well, not true. I remember every day, but I can look back and have proof that I’m overcoming my issues.

That’s a lot of what this year has been, overcoming stuff. My arms, all said. Graduation. The boundries and limits that life has set out. Work. I’ve overcome a lot.

2004 can be said to be a year of growth. I think that this year is going to be a year of pacing. Not in the sense that I’m going to be stepping quickly back and forth. More in the area that I’m going to take things as they come.

Stress doesn’t help anyone. Pain and uckiness is a chore created solely to kill cells and create bad age lines. Living life is what I should be doing. Not worrying about every tiny detail.

Prime example, I’m ready to go back to school. Part of me wouldn’t mind it starting next week, but I know that when fall comes around I will be ready.

I’ve gotten things into a semblance of order. My room is situated where I want it. I have a routine worked out that I enjoy and I am gaining the ability to add some sponitainty to my life. I’m thinking that I’m going to have more parties.

I like seeing people and getting together with them. I enjoy hanging out with folks and as long as I have some me time too, life is rocking. I’ve kept in touch with the people I’ve wanted/needed to. On that front, I’m enjoying myself.

It’s time to try some new things. I’m going to give it a whirl and sign up for that dance class. For someone with such a love for music I sure can’t tango worth a penny. I’m also thinking about breaking out that camera again. Just to mess around with it cause I didn’t get this awesome computer for nothing now did I?

Yep, 2004 is over. Day 2 of 2005 will be spent sleeping, reading, and watching Star Trek VI.

Life is going to be alright.

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January 2, 2005

seems like you have your head in order quite well actually….have a truly joyous, peace-filled and blessed 2005, full of hope and new memories. hugs and smiles

January 2, 2005

It’s so good to hear you finally happy with where your life is. You are so right about stress, and I hope your new year is free of the crap last year put you through. Either way, you’re strong. I know you can do anything. Learn to swing dance *wink* and have fun.