The Hunt Begins
"Love isn’t just rainbows and butterflies, it’s compromise that moves it along"
Bad news. The photographers computer crashed. All the pictures are safe, backed up, like a good person would do. But it crashed on Friday and she’s getting it back today so hopefully she’ll do speed work on it and finish them up. She said she would call as soon as she knew anything.
I’m about to go job hunting. I’m so tired. Woke up at 8am after 4 hours of sleep and was able to get back to sleep, even though I am exhausted. So I drank some gatorade and took a shower, and I’m doing a little better now. The car we are hopefully getting is a lincoln town car, not the prettiest I hear, but the engine runs good. My brother in law Wes called from work and said one of his charges is selling it for 500 bucks. As long as it runs good I’m freakin happy. Chris will be driving it, and I’ll be driving the Galant. Wes is a Master Sargent in the U.S. Air Force, stationed with the 101 Airborne, so he’s in charge of a lot of people. It would be bad for the kid to lie to Wes and sell us a lemon.Well I’m off to find that job. Wish me luck!
Good Luck!
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nah I hung out at the AFB i MO…those kids buy cars that get them from point a to point b and when they get deployed they sell them for cheap so they don’t ahve to pay insurance.
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