Days Off

Stiff. Like a tree truck. My entire body is stiff. See what I get for going out and having a fun nighting of booty shaking. I should go more often. Not all the time, but every once in a while would be nice. I must have worked off a good 5 or 6 pounds, and sweated off another two. I actually took half of a vicoden last night to ease the pain so I could sleep. It must have worked because I was fantasizing about a lavish life flying around the world, and suddenly the phone is ringing at 9:40am.

Today is payday, which as a server doesn’t mean much to me, but as a girl who’s hubby gets a nice chunk of money to add to the bank, it means alot. I’m so unbelievabley proud of us! We have over 400 dollars in savings, a first time in a long time. We’ve recently realized that we have been budgeting all wrong. For each pay check we had been adding up how much the nessessities cost, and somehow we where always spending every bit of  a paycheck and tips. Now we have a new system. A Set amount of money in the checking, and then rest in savings. 10% of my tips will be spent if needed, and the rest saved up and deposited in savings. It’s working really well, and we are on a new track. Chris is trying so hard to curb his spending habits. I’m so proud of him for just trying.

He gets it from his mom. She is one of the most materialistic people I have met. I understand it though. She grew up dirt poor with an alcoholic step father, married young and with child at 16, to a much older man, who turned out to be lazy and abusive. At 22 she found herself widowed with 4 kids to feed. Now she can afford finer things, but she has a bad habit of spending it all. She is overly materialistic and Chris has seen this all his life. He doesn’t realize that just because you want it right now, doesn’t mean you should get it right now, especially if it’s expensive and money’s tight.

I hoping we’ll have enough saved up so for Chris’s birthday I can get him these double axis pedals. I think that’s what they’re called. According to Chris they are the most freakin amazing drum pedals ever. But they cost 500 bucks. Each. They better be the best. He’s like a kid though around Christmas time.

Christmas time. Almost time to start shopping. I’ve already started thinking about it. I hate last minute shopping. Too stressful. I’d rather get it done in advance.

My day is going to consist of not moving, sleeping, and geeking out on this here computer.


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September 22, 2006

Oh I know what you’re talking about, it’s so you can hit the bass drum twice in close succession. I remember Jerry (remember him, the drummer at Harvest) got some and loved them

RYN: Yup..all is ok now. I MISSED YOU! Where have you BEEN, darling? The jones have been asking question, and you missed the dinner party and Hoyt and Angela’s house last Tuesday. Seriously…Rub some lavendar oil on your ouchie parts, it’ll help.

September 23, 2006

Last minute shopping sucks!