April Showers, May Flowers
“Love isn’t just rainbows and butterflies, it’s compromise that moves it along”
Well April has decided to live up to the rhyme and have non stop pouring for the next serveral days. Where the hell are my flowers darn it? So I’m just sitting here, getting on the computer when I can. Right now I’m eating an egg salad sandwhich and drinking diet coke (ugh I hate coke). Its not that bad, and it has way less calories. Lets see the difference between diet coke and regular pepsi. Math time! But I promise wedding stuff is coming below.
Diet Coke VS Regular Pepsi Per Serving
Nut. Facts
total fat
total carbs
total cal of all
Damn right I’m bored enough to make that chart. As you can plainly see, pepsi = more but better taste, coke= less but worse taste. It’s not that bad once you get used to it.It takes a few cans but it’ll happen.
But on to my original topic, its supposed to rain all next week. Okay weather, Im getting married in a week and half. So if you could be so kind to not having any thunderstorms that will be fabulous. Thanks doll!The new paint in the kitchen looks so awesome. Ill have to post pictures soon of the new color vs the old color. No charts I swear. Of course with everyone coming Sandra has decided to redo her decorating again lol. The house had a blue accents theme with the browns, tans, and beiges. Now we are looking at her going for a more rust colored accents. An orangie rust. But it looks great. We ripped out the old white boring blinds, and Chris put up new wood blinds custom fitted. Nice and warm. Inviting. The bring color into the rooms as apposed to going unnoticed. My mom is a fan of curtains. Maybe its just fabric. There’s already been some steam with her coming.
Everyone is flying in on Saturday. Not tommorrow but next Saturday. Well Cari gets in a 1:37, my parents at 3:37 and Pam, Kristen, and the kids at 3:42. Well my mom offers to just pick up Pam and so forth since they’re flights are so close. But she wants to speak with Pam. I tried to save Pam, I really did. So I give her Pam’s number and she calls her in Florida, someone she has never met. Right off my mom starts being snooty, and then says oh by the way we don’t smoke, so don’t think about smoking in our car. Omg, of course Pam called Sandra and told her, and I was so embrassed. I told Sandra, and you were worried about Pam and Kristen being a problem? She laughed nervously and said I think I made a mistake. Trust me, my mom can definately handle herself and has a good way of pissing everyone off. I can’t see why I’m nervous about her coming.
Hey you cant compare regular pepsi with diet coke. Why dont you drink dirt pepsi? LOL about your mom and no smoking in the car!
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That’s your mom all right… Oh btw, I saw her in her car the other day…
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I’m hoping the weather clears up my wedding is Friday and we are going camping after that keep your fingers crossed that the weather gets clear!!! ~Liz~
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