Bailey is goofy
She takes after her papa j, poor kid! I’m convinced that genes–including the ones we don’t think about so much, like a sense of humor, are incredibly strong.
This is a conversation Bailey and i had a couple weeks ago when she was staying with us. Keep in mind that she’s the baby of the family and still doesn’t say all of her words plainly.
I guess i should tell you that i’ve "color coded" the dogs– Tickles wears a pink bandanna (because all princesses should wear pink!) and Doodle has a green one. So, to Bailey, even tho she knows their names, they are "the pink one" and "the green one" most of the time.
I asked her what she thought of the "girl’s" bandanna colors. She propped herself on the bed, and with a serious face, said, "Well, i think Tickles should weaw pink and Doodle…should weaw pink, too. Then you could say, ‘Come heaw, two Tickles." Then she laughed at her own joke. *shaking my head*
Earlier that evening, we’d had a talk while i was brushing her "lellow" hair. She saw a picture of her papa in his wedding suit.
"That’s Papa when he got mawwied."
"Why did Papa mawwy you?"
"Because he loves me."
"Why did you mawwy Papa?"
"Because i love him."
There was a brief pause while she absorbed that, then asked, "Do you wub him awot?".
Jeeeeeese…nobody warned me i’d have to explain this to a four year old…who’s going on twenty…
I miss that goofy kid!!
(((hugs)))………… 🙂
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