Raping Angels
Somewhere outside in the night
where the hunter rapes the angels
a small child cries tears of ice
and a woman combs her web of lies
i can only view her in the dark
when the moon is hidden
and the stars too scared to dance
we talk in the darkness
where you can’t see my fears
the darkness will swallow my tears
make me whole again
the mirror shows a distortion of you
and makes me believe in love
break the mirror and remove the hole
you will see the small child
crying tears of ice in the night
theres a feeling between us
and its just dead now
i can’t think of how to save it
so what else can i do
three years of my life
i’ve spent trying to figure
this mystery woman out
and i’m still sitting in the dark
talking to her in the dark
back in november
back before the downfall
the love and the poison in the letter
she wrote to me
was so strong i nearly choked
whenever you stop breathing
call me so i can hold my breath
until the sky turns black