So I slept today instead of doing anything. Oh well, thats what happens when you stay up all night. So I’m at work. And guess who walks around the corner? Rickey scaring the daylights out of me. And he’s like go look at your car. I have no idea why, but ok. Chuck was away from the desk so I had to wait. And Rickey and I are standing there talking and then Linnea comes in and is like “Does anyone have a silver/gray Buick?” And I’m like thats mine. And Rickey has this innocent look on his face. So I’m facing Linnea and I turn back to Rickey who is pretending he wasn’t paying attention, little liar. And Linnea is like OH OK. So I was just like whatever. (cause this is my united states of whatever!) Rickey’s little sister came in and was like we have to go now. So he left and was like don’t forget about checking your car. Anyways, Chuck eventually came back to the desk so I ran out to my car to see what ever they were all talking about. And there was a pink rose stuck in my windshield wiper. My face is a permanent red now. He’s so sweet. So put it in water to keep it. It smells so nice. Then he called when I was eating and wanted me to come over after work. So I will. I haven’t decided if I’m going to go home first or if I will just go over there. I think I will go home, so I can get comfy clothes and tell my mom where I am going. Not like she’ll be real happy, but its not like I really care! Oh well. And I missed my appointment with Lori this morning. I’m a little upset, but Lori is really not helping anymore. I’m psycho analyzing myself and I’m figuring it out on my own. She really isn’t, and this past night at history class I figured that out. I am doing ok. I don’t know. Thats confusing. Because yah I’m ok now. But when I’m not ok, I’m going to need someone. I’ll have John. I know I will. My mom told him he would need to keep me out of those places and he will. He takes stuff like that seriously. And he will keep an eye on me. There was no one like that at Calvin. Anyway, I really don’t want to keep going to Lori’s. She really doesn’t help anymore. She has turned into another adult who doesn’t undestand me anymore that my parents do. Anyways, I need to go. I’m at work 😉 and its almost time to close up.

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