England Rain
So that was up to Weds night. Thursday I found out that some kid had jumped off the roof at Heather’s school and tried to kill him self but failed and she was freaking out. Some kid at my old college had jumped off the roof and succeeded. But she was coming home so its ok. I talked to her Thursday night. Friday morning I found out her ride couldn’t take her now. So I was really upset. I was planning on going out there and picking her up myself. But then i got a text that said she was on the road and almost home!! So that was really good. And we went to her house for dinner and played pool and stayed up talking until I had to go to work at 4am. Heather went back to her house and I worked till ilke 1pm. Then I went home and went straight to bed for a few hours. Then Heather came over and we went to Starbucks and Barnes and Noble. I didn’t spend any money, which is really good. Then back to my house, where Ali came over to hang out. We ended up going to church so I could go on high speed for a little while.
I went online and downloaded some stuff I wanted. I was sitting online and talking with Heather and Ali, looking at profiles when I noticed something about a guy Brett who killed himself. A guy Brett I knew in elementary school. But I don’t know what really happened. I was trying to figure out from someone what had happened. But no one was online. So I ended up calling Settle cause he was in the studio working. And he told me Brett was high on shrooms and humg himself. I knew this kid all through elementary school. He was in my group for the school store in 5th grade and he was in my 3rd grade class too. He was a pretty good friend, at least for elementary school. He went to a different high school though. And I haven’t heard about him since then. We were not best of friends. But he was someone I knew.
I can’t breathe. I can’t feel. I can’t even cry. I’m numb and yet I feel all the pain. When it rains it really pours. I mean like England kinda pouring. The kind that just dumps on you and when you think that it should stop and finally end, it just keeps on coming. Never ending and just keeps on steadily coming.
I want to be able to breathe again.