To My Nameless OD Noter

"Why is it that you only update when you have a guy in your life, do you not have anything to say when you’re single? You have to learn to be happy alone first before you can be happy or make anyone happy in a relationship."


I’m actually pretty pissed off at my nameless diary noter, who has no guts to leave their name.

First of all, I’m a nurse. I work TWO jobs. I have an active social life and I’m constantly busy. I don’t have much time to sit down and write an entry about the boring details of my every day life. I have a full life, full of great friends and family that I love. I’m not unhappy by any means. Plus I have a great career that keeps me busy caring for seniors, and female surgical patients when I work at the hospital.

Nobody needs to read about the meaningless details of everyday life. I’ve been through alot of crappy relationship stuff just like everyone else, and yes it’s true, I’d like to meet the right guy, fall in love and get married before I turn 30. I’m certainly not looking for anyone, I just end up meeting people.  It keeps my life interesting.

But here is something you need to understand….I write my diary for ME.

Not YOU.

I write to remember all the details; I write to remember the good things that happen to me, as well as the bad, becuz months down the road I come back and read it and remember the way it felt. I like to reminisce. I have some great OD friends on here, but I’m not writing my entries for them. Writing is my therapy, it’s how I deal with the good and the bad things in my life. If nobody read my diary, I would still write here regardless.

I have lots to say, but that’s what friends are for.

Don’t assume things about someone you don’t know. That’s just rude. And if you don’t want to read my diary, then don’t. Like I said before, this diary isn’t for you or to make you happy, it’s for me to remember things in my life.

If you don’t like it, then don’t read it. Simple as that.

And maybe next time you decide to be rude, you should have the guts to sign your note.

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July 6, 2007

hehe, things like this always make me laugh. Sure, the majority of us write on OD for ourselves, but the trend is that we tend to write more when we have something to write about ^^

July 6, 2007

(just passing thru; this entry was on login page) most OD’s are daily drivel; written to share w/others whats happening in our lives! mostly trivial but sometimes events w/ serious implications! jmho :~)

July 6, 2007

Here, here, I’ve had faves who have made similar complaints about my diary too and I’ve told them exactly the same thing too.

July 6, 2007

I hate noters who do that they suck!! *hugs* x x x

July 6, 2007

Thanks =) yours is pretty too! x x x

July 6, 2007

Od’s are meant to be whatever you want them to be. Daily stuff or important stuff. I update when I have time, and yes, usually when its something I’m going to want to read about. They had no right to say that. Its YOUR diary, afterall. People are lame.

July 7, 2007

Point of fact is this.. This is ur diary. Noters are gay if they cant leave their name with their opinion. In the end.. it at least gives the SAID noter something else to read beacuse you get a chance to bitch at them for being lame 😛 I like your diary. Dont change for anyone!

July 7, 2007

George (the shitzu) is stuck w/ that silly crooked grin… like forever! cuz he can’t close his mouth all the way! LOL :~)

January 18, 2008

Change your settings so you cant recieve unsigned notes, then they either have to sign their name or keep their comments to themselves. Anyway ppl like are stupid.

April 10, 2008

that’ll learn em!1 I wanted to read about your love of sex toys and maybe some sex stories you wrote but NOOOOOOOOOO