My 8 Month Update

Well I just realized how long it’s been since I wrote in my diary. I just finished checking some comments I’ve recieved during my hiatus and I’m quite irritated. Some jerk wrote something asking if my dad abused me when I was younger, and that actually made me pretty mad. No, I haven’t been abused so quit asking rude shit like that.

Anyways after Jay and I broke up, I moved on and got stuck in a situation I really didn’t want. I was hanging out with this guy and things just got complicated. I felt really sorry for him since he hadn’t had a gf in like 7 years, and things happened between us. The problem was he really annoyed me (he has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome so he has odd behavior and says weird things. He sadly isn’t that smart either, but it’s not his fault.) I had to extricate myself from the situation before it got anymore weird. He really latched on to me and claimed that he loved me and I was his best friend, it was really sad and I felt bad, but at the same time it was really freaky.

I started seeing a guy long distance. He was a friend of a friend who I met, though we lived about 9 hrs apart. He came to see me and things happened between us. It didn’t work out though, I’m pretty sure he was still with the girl he claimed was his ‘ex’. So it didn’t take me long before I called the whole thing off.

I quit working at the seniors home because there was alot of crap going on there, lots of backstabbing and cattiness. One of the worst was my boss, she was saying lots of stuff about me behind my back, slandering my character to the other staff, and when I asked her about it she flatly denied it. I couldn’t deal with it so I just quit and got two new jobs after that.

Since Jay and I broke up, I started thinking seriously about moving to the coast. My family is moving there anytime now, as soon as their house sells. Then I met a huge complication named Kris…

I want to move, but at the same time I’m terrified. I guess now is a good time to tell you about me and Kris….

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August 21, 2008

Backstabbing and cattiness is nonsense. I never will understand why adults do that stuff. If I was you I would have tried getting my boss on tape somehow. Take care.

August 21, 2008

Who are you? 😉 (((HUGS)))

August 21, 2008

Sounds like a lot has happened.

August 26, 2008

Well I am glad your back! i missed reading about you!!!!! Who is this kris? And moving to the coast… maybe something that will help set your life more in a motion you want! *hugs* write more! 😉

i hope you meet a good guy soon, you seem like you’ve had enough jerks….maybe there’s more jerks per capita where you live.

February 9, 2009

where or where have you gone? Miss reading ya! Hope you write again soon!