And Here I Find Myself

The last time I wrote in here, it was 2010. Now, it’s 2024 and so much has happened over the last fourteen years.

I had forgotten all about this diary, how it used to be a safe space for me when I didn’t have many of those. I still don’t.

I skimmed through some of my posts here, many of them made me cringe and I considered deleting them all or at least making them private so I don’t looks so painfully stupid and naive, but instead I will leave them as glimpses about a life that doesn’t exist anymore.

I would have hoped that things have improved, and while I’m at a place of (mostly) peace right now at the age of 43 (almost 44) it took a hell of a lot of pain and suffering to get here.

In the last fourteen years, I went through many moves, relationships came and went. I had a child. Then I fell in love with an American which led to a lot of cross border drama and travel (especially during Covid). I learned that happily ever after was not meant for me, as I married a narcissistic monster who nearly destroyed my life and abandoned my son and I in another country. However, after the worst of my storms have passed I have come to a place of quiet acceptance and a sense of peace in my life I’ve never had before.

Perhaps I will write about it sometime.

I hope life has been kind to all of you during the last few years. Lord knows this world can be anything but kind.

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July 7, 2024

Welcome back. I’ve only been here for 1 ¾ years. I look forward to hearing more about you and your life.

July 8, 2024

Isn’t it wild that this place is still here after so many years? I’m thankful for it, even if I do cramp up from all the cringing while reading old entries! Welcome back.

July 8, 2024

Oh man, past entry cringe is real, but I try to look at it as growing milestones too! Lets us know how far we’ve come!

July 9, 2024

It was a long time away.  So much has changed and so much has happened.  I hope you will continue to write here!  It can be greatly therapeutic.

This is the note in response to your note at my latest entry.  I couldn’t get it to post on my page:

Thank you for these insightful comments.  Yes, the world is in a horrendous condition.  I get depressed about all the bad news, but then I get out to my favorite parks and gardens, and my optimism gets a lift and I feel more connected to God and what is truly important in life.

My caregiving ended in January 2020 when my mother passed away, but the experience is still deeply imprint on my soul.  I kept  a “Dementia Journal” for about six years, writing a detailed entry about once a month, and posted them here.  I wrote very little else during those years.

One of my entries from 2018:

A more recent entry: