
I’ve been so busy lately I completely forgot about writing in my diary. There’s been so much going on, and yet nothing really worth writing about.

I’ve been working lots at the seniors place. There’s a lot of bullshit going on there, but I guess that’s what happens when you work with women. There was an incident where one of the ladies fell and was discovered at 7:30am, meanwhile my shift was over by 7am, but nonetheless, some of the care aides started blaming me for some reason. She’d been bleeding and it was already clotted, so they were starting this rumor that I’d left her laying there for 4 hours, which is complete crap (blood clots within a matter of minutes.) The morning staff was supposed to do a round of their section to check ppl as soon as they start, so they really should have blamed themselves not me. That’s just women though. Anyways I was majorly pissed and nearly quit over it. Turns out though that I have a lot of ppl on my side, including my boss. Apparently lots of the care aides who’ve worked nights with me have said great things, which I thought was really sweet. My job isn’t fun there anymore, though. I could have taken a full time night position but I really don’t like all the responsibility (I’m in charge of a building of 100+ seniors at night) I think I’ll just stick to working casual for a few more months.

A couple weeks ago I found out Jeff had a girlfriend in another city, AND that he was seeing a friend of ours and they kept it a secret. The whole situation had me pretty upset and that as soon as I heard about the gf in another city that was it for me..never wanted to speak to him ever again. I found out about my friend seeing him on my birthday, which really didn’t help. We all went camping, there ended up being 11 of us altogether, and it was a blast. Of course, things weren’t so fun when Jeff showed up. That really didn’t sit so well with me. I just kept my mouth shut, and pretty much ignored him the entire time he was there.

About 3 weeks ago I went to visit my friend Kevin (who I’ve written about more times than I can count.) It was a great 3 days. My friend Pat and I went to visit Kevin and Tyler, and we’ve all been friends for years and years. Pat and I have been friends since elementary, Tyler was my first bf when I was 14, and I’ve known Kev since we were 16. Pat was moving to Regina to go to grad school so as a going away thing, we went to visit them since it would be the last time we’d all get to hang out for a really long time. Kevin and I ended up hooking up of course, although it was 3 yrs since the last time we did. It was great, and I really needed it, but at the same time, it made me sad since I totally adore him and wish there could be more between us.

Anyways that’s about all that’s been going on in my life. I’ve been busy all the time doing different things and that’s probably a good thing. Hope all you guys are doing well!


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September 13, 2007
October 13, 2007
October 13, 2007
November 6, 2007

You dont write much anymore 🙁