
Sorry I had to double up on my entries here. Couldn’t put it all on one it would be too long.


Jeff and I were gonna do something on Monday since we both had the day off, and as per usual, he text msg’d me when he woke up to say good morning. That always melts me when he does that. Well, the day ended and still I hadn’t heard back from him later, so I sent him a msg asking him what he was up to on Wednesday. Still no reply. Given my past, I tend to get very anxious when I don’t hear from guys, I get that sickening feeling in my stomach that something is wrong and there’s a reason why he isn’t getting a hold of me. 4 guys in the last year have done that to me, so it’s really hard to keep my anxiety under control, and to tame those paranoid thoughts. I told myself to stay calm, and if I hadn’t heard from him by the next day then I could worry about it. I had to remind myself that he probably had a good reason, like his cell phone dying or something.

The next day when he got off work, he sent me a msg apoligizing for the late reply but that his cell had died the night before and that the answer to my question was ‘something with you’. That turned me into a mushy little puddle lol.
Today we hung out again, I am sooooo totally infatuated with the guy it’s not even funny. On Canada Day we’d been talking about guns and stuff and he’d offered to teach me how to shoot, so when I asked him about it today he suggested we could do it tonight. So after a coffee with Brent, we headed over to his place and he showed me how to use his gun. Turns out I’m a natural lol. I hit almost every single target I was aiming at, and I think I impressed him lol. I had no idea I’d be so good at it, but it’s like I was born shooting. It’s pretty fun too, I definately want to do it again. I still need to get him to teach me to drive a standard though. I didn’t want to ride in his truck before cuz the seatbelt was lost under his seat covers. Turns out he cut a whole open so the seatbelt could be used just so I would be able to ride in his truck. (aww!)
And he’s working on getting his Harley on the road. It has to get insured first, but in the next week or two he’s gonna take me for a ride. I think we might get a group to go camping on the second weekend from now.  Should be good times. I think I would actually have fun campin if he was there with me. Especially if I had him in my tent. Tee hee.

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July 5, 2007

why is it that you only update when you have a guy in your life, do you not have anything to say when you’re single? You have to learn to be happy alone first before you can be happy or make anyone happy in a relationship.

July 5, 2007

Ok. Notice.. how that last person above me.. did not leave a name? Even though its true that u have to be happy on ur own.. etc. You Never go looking for these guys.. they came to you! Anyways. Glad that you had a blast~ Also.. poor service DOES suck. I bet that waitress thought …”I’m so Hot” lol 😉 like paris

July 6, 2007

Ok, to the rude noter with no balls to leave their name: 1) I’m effin BUSY and I hardly have the time to write here 2) Nobody wants to read about what I had for lunch or what I wore today. I don’t write about boring crap 3) I’m happier than you’ll ever know. I don’t need a man to be happy, in fact I’m happier without the headaches they cause If u don’t like my diary quit reading it.

July 6, 2007

aha! something abt snuggling safe and sound in a tent while the unknown lurks outside in the darkness! LOL! :~)