Part Two
Do not read this if you have not read the entry prior…(oh gods the pain)
Jason and Dr. Blackscaw ran downstairs following the frightened cry. When they reached the woman who was screaming, they found out why she was screaming.
“When did you find Houdinis body missing?” Jason asked his Aunt the next day.
“When…when…wh-when I was going to dress him for his trip to where he lived.” She replied starting to cry.
Suddenly Jason noticed a shadow. He looked up and there was no one there and the shadow was gone.
“You’re under-a-rest for the murder of Houdini.” Jason said walking up to Dr. Blackscaw the next day.
Why do you think he arrested Dr. Blackscaw?
1. Dr. Blackscaw didn’t feel Houdinis pulse.
2. Jason noticed that Dr. Blacksaws Dr. bag was new instead of old like the other one was.
3. Jason noticed a shadow that looked exactly like Dr. Blackscaws shadow.
4. Jason found Dr. Blackscaws old bag in the ocean and he had a hunch that when Dr. Blackscaw was leaning over, he had a gun in his bag. He shot a pellet and the old bag muffled the sound so no one would here. Dr. Blackscaws old bag had a hole in the bottom so he took a new one out of his closet.
*sigh* What can I say…it was for school…
~The Black Mage Stirs
why has no one left a note yet???? this story is great! although nothing beats Sand & Herburt…hehe Walmart & fishies….*snicker* X
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only in your world can an 11 year old arrest someone! lol
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I gotta ask the same question….what the fuck is a Scaw? Ah well, who cares. Still lovin ya just as muchly as yesterday. NOW SMILE DAMNIT! :o)
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P.S. This was one trippy story, lol.
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