Boys and Jobs and Bloody Organs
So…it’s been quite a while. It’s not my fault really! Let’s see..what’s happened in my life in the last few weeks. Hmmmmm. Well first off I got another job. Woohoo! *dances* OWW!! Not quite up to that yet. Anyway, it all started when I was at the warts house babysitting his bratty kids. All was going as expected when I get this call from my mom. Apparently the employment agancy that I am a proud member of required my services once more. This time I was pleased to learn it would be a real job at a real company. And I would be making a tidy sum of money *cough*. (OW) So I handed the torch off to poor Megan and skipped off to my new job, teehee. (did I mention I’m on drugs) It wasn’t anything too thrilling but, heh it was something although the hours suck, noon-9. Ugh. It would have been bearable except I had to get up at 7:30 to take my mom to work so I could use her car.
Well that was an interesting experience. I worked with another temp from the same service who looks like she’s my age but is actually almost 30 and whose as bible-thumping as my mother. Sigh. There everywhere. But she’s cool and at least I had someone to talk to while we did our so exciting job. And our boss was awsome although I am taller than him, of course.
*snore* Ooops sorry, I think I was boring myself to sleep. Well that takes care of the job part…now onto the boys. So I was walking through the desert…(where did that come from) Anyway, I was in wal-mart one fine sunday afternoon with Megan and the Bimbo when this man of Middle-Eastern desent walks by and winks at me. Me, being completely oblivious had no idea what he was on about and as he was a wal-mart employee I proceeded to think nothing of it. Now please understand that we had just come from church where I had written a poem about rascism (sorta) and I was feeling rather vulnerable. So when I went alone to pick up a hunk of cheese and this guy sauters over to me I was in no condition to put up with his advances. Oh yeah. He wanted my phone number. I just stood there gaping at him for a moment while my face turned red and stuttered that I didn’t know my number and if he would excuse me for a moment I would go ask my mom. At which point I proceeded to vamp my happy ass away from him. I told Megan and the Bimbo and they were completely not understanding. Sigh. He followed me of course. My luck. I told him that I didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell him my number since he didn’t even know me but maybe I’d see him around. I thought it was a nice vague brush-off. Apparently not as the next sunday he say my mom in the food department and hunted me down! I mean can you believe the nerve. I finally told him in no uncertain terms that I wasn’t interested (I mean he looked like he was in his forties!). And that was that.
So everything after that was going fine, I had a job I was making good money and my uncle was looking for a car for me. It was grand. Of course this being my life nothing ever turns out as it seems it should. I had been waking in the middle of the night with this horrible pain in my chest and stomach area. I mean horrendous burning, aching pain. It started towards the end of the Cheetah fiasco *shudders*. (OW) And it was getting progressively worse. I really meant to go see my moms doctor whenever she got around to calling him. One dark and stormy night (just kidding) it was really a perfectly ordinary tuesday night after work. My birthday was that friday (yah!) so I was in a great mood although I’d been having this pain in my chest all day. SO I was playing video games (what else) when this tremendous pain hit me all of a sudden. It was my night pains about a hundred times worse. I crawled myself into my moms room and told her in no uncertain whiny terms that we needed to go to the hospital, that instant. To make a long story short I was diagnosed with gal-stones. A whole hell of a lot of gal-stones. So it was cutty me up time. Again. Did that sound bitter? My bad.
Now here I am six days after the fact and I finally feel remotely able to type something without sounding totally retarded. Because of course they gave me drugs that do nothing about the pain but leave me feeling demented. Doctors. I have three small cuts to add to the growing collection. Of course I had to stop going to my job although the e-service said I might be able to go back to the same job, it depends on how fast I recover. I’m thinking next Tuesday sounds good. That gives me another week, that’s good enough right? I mean I only have a slight fever. And I can almost walk without looking like the hunchbacks sister. Sigh.
And that has been my life for the last month. Oh yeah, I had a birthday. I am now twenty. Yay. Feel the enthusiasm. I am so sick of not being able to do anything. Sigh. Anyone else want a piece of me?
~The Black Mage stirs
you are so over the top sometimes thats why i love you! story of you life babe….are you tempting me with a peice? hmmmmmm ok now im thinking of brandon…i wonder why? *hugs* i hope you feel 100% soon…i wanna watch trigun! hehehe
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thanx for the note, and yes, i have seen that movie, and i loved it, it was so….full of emotion…it was really good…welps, have a good day!
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I hope you feel better and that you get to go back to that job. I dont know what its like to switch jobs but I dont think I would like it too much. Good luck with everything and take care
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I think kids are brats too.
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