So. We got an apartment. Yah! We’re out on our own again. I still work at GE but not for GE. *sigh* Isn’t that amusing. Aaaaand today’s party day at work. Everyone came in all dressed up. I was going to be a witch but upon further inspection of my costume, I look more like little red riding hood. Oooops. Don’t ask how that happens. Aaaaand the big boss man of our company is retiring which is kinda strange so we had a going away party on top of halloween party. I think I’m gonna puke if I eat anything else. OOOOOOOOOO CHOCOLATE!!! *munch, munch* Hehe.
You know your car’s ghetto when you’re driving down the road and it stalls on the exit ramp. And all of a sudden there’s white smoke everywhere. Some nice guy stops, looks at it and says there’s no way in hell its starting again cause there’s holes in some pipe. And I was like, dude I can’t just sit here on the exit ramp for fucks sake. So I started it anyway and pulled it around the corner. Whew. And when I turned it off again there was more smoke EVERYWHERE. So of course I just sit there like a dumb ass going “Errrrrrrrrr” And of course some nice person in a van has to drive by and shout, oh so helpfully, “You should get out of your car you know”. Well that was a brilliant observation. So I got out of the car, still puffing smoke, and went over to the curb. Sometime between the getting out of the car and walking to the curb I managed to misplace my keys. Argh! So I was calling my mother on my cell phone, so glad I had that with me, when I hear sirens in the distance. I was like no fucking way. Of course someone called the fire truck, of course. So then there were firemen swarming all over the place. And they were HOT! Let me tell you if I wasn’t so upset….*cough* Anyway, they were like, “Someone called us and said that there was some person stuck in a burning vehicle on the exit ramp.” I was like burning vehichle? Ooookaaaay. And do I look stuck? At least someone was thoughtful I guess. But still! Nothing makes your day like having really hot firemen all asking you if you’re ok. *sigh* I wish I could have taken them home with me.
A certain person, who shall remain nameless but you know who you are, has made me slightly peeved. Eerrrrgh.
But now its time to go…..
~The Black Mage stirs
“the worms call in the worms crawl out….” dont know what else to say…. xxxxx m
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You don’t know me. I don’t know you. But I’m thankful that you’re there for megs. I miss her. btw, I’m sorry to hear abt your car. Too bad I can’t fix it for you. eh well… life goes on. :^) total
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RYN: I enjoyed Team America a lot more than The Grudge, but I’m the kind of person who doesn’t take things too seriously. If you like South Park, you’ll like Team America. Is it safe to assume that any guy in a uniform instantly becomes hotter?
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gay spidey dance! <p style ="background-image: url(http://hometown.aol.com/misslove985/images/gay_spidey.gif); background-repeat:no -repeat; background-attachment: scroll;width:128;height:128″>
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<p style ="background-image: url(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v430/Masterofhorror/Iconsandsuch/Callgay.jpg); background-repeat:no -repeat; background-attachment: scroll;width:396;height:160″>
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