I dont eat enough
I’m so unhealthy. My periods have been SO irregular for ages. The doctor couldn’t figure out why. I’ve been noticing body hair in weird places, like a couple on my chin (ugh so gross!) Blood in my stool, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and the obvious, I’m disgustingly skinny. Like moreso than usual. I’d love to be a regular weight, I feel so ugly!
I looked up the health effects of not eating enough, and all my symptoms came together. It all makes sense.
Its so ridiculously hard for me to find time to feed myself and organize my life enough to take proper care of myself. Everyone seems to notice when my dog is underweight, but no one says a word if I am. No one gives a shit.
Its so pathetic, I don’t know HOW to eat properly or take care of things! But it upsets me that no one cares. I know that’s really silly. I need to get to that psychologist ADD coach, she really was helping a lot! Now that my plan has kicked in I’ll have to get over there. Even if I can see her once a month and email her once a week. She’ll help give me tips on how to organize myself just enough to eat properly, get to work on time, get my house clean, plan events without turning them into disasters because I SUCK at planning. She’ll help me prioritize… Fuxk its so crazy how people don’t understand how people with ADD struggle with their lives. Anyone who doesn’t know anything about it would say “just eat more, its not hard” and think I was a complete moron. But they are grossly misinformed… Even with my ritalin, I struggle. Weekends are the worst because I have no routine. But I still need that time to get things done, but I don’t because there’s no routine! I’m lost without structure! I could lay in bed from 8am when I get up until noon, just THINKING about getting my day started then wondering how I let the time pass me by so crazy. Then I would realize I forgot my pills, take them and 15 minutes later I’d “wake up” start running around the house because I realize how much I really have to do and how I wasted my day (and gave myself more than any one person in a day could handle because stressing myself out is the only way I can snap myself out of it to get shit done). Then I’d feel like an idiot, people are mad (mostly my bf) because the house is a mess and I’m “lazy”!
Ugh its a nightmare and I really do need an ADD coach to survive until I can manage alone. If I can… Oh man lol!
So back to the eating. How much is one person supposed to eat in one day anyway? Like healthily? And how do you make a healthy meal, keep your kitchen clean and not spend their life in there? And how do you account for snacks too? They’re so damn expensive, and while I’m trying to cook, instead of helping me, Rob comes into the kitchen and eats granola bars (or whatever). Then when dinner is ready he tells me he’s not hungry because he ate. I’m so frustrated! I want help in the kitchen! It shouldn’t be a womans job! He says its because I’m a good cook… He’s right I really am better at it than him, but I’ve only been cooking as long as we’ve been together. All this time he could have been learning too. But he leaves it up to me it drives me nuts!
Oh wow, reading your description of how you plan/think about doing things/only get *moving* when you’re stressed because you’re running out of time – that is exactly me. I’ve always wondered if I have ADD but I’ve never been properly diagnosed (kind of scared of that actually). It would probably help me out but, I dunno. I don’t have the same eating problem ’cause my fiance does all the cooking
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hooray for that! But otherwise I know what you mean – I feel like no one has ever showed me how/what I’m actually supposed to eat (my habits have gone the other way from you though – I eat more junk, and eat sometimes just once a day, so I’ve put on a lot of weight). Maybe we do know how really, but maybe it just didn’t *stick* properly in an ADD mind? My memory is total crap…
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My fiance calls me a goldfish (thoughts of a goldfish “ooh, there’s a rock! i smell food, there’s the food, ooh, there’s a rock!” sort of thing. I don’t know if that’s ADD related or not. I’m going to stop reading you today, I feel like I’m rambling all over your notes, sorry! I don’t if there’s an OD etiquette, but I’m probably failing! 🙂
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