my trump-y cousins gave up on trump

My mom called me yesterday. “Are you sitting down?”, she asked. I wasn’t but said I was. “Gale, Mary Ellen, John and Jeff have all told me they are disgusted with Trump and won’t vote for him again.”

My cousins are hard right, FOX 24/7, Southern evangelicals without college educations.

Just let that sink in. No one’s working on them. They live in a pro trump echo chamber and they all individually have come to the conclusion that he’s disgusting, full of shit and a disgrace. Maybe it’s because they don’t have stocks (like over 50% of the population). Maybe it’s because they aren’t billionaires so aren’t reaping the windfall tax cuts. Was it him calling Jeff Sessions “mentally retarded” and “a dumb Southerner?” Maybe it’s because they have pre-exisiting conditions and were planning on retiring someday. I’m not sure what it was, but they’ve had enough of him.

I seriously would have expected them to tell me they had become Satanists more easily than I’d of imagined them giving up on Trump. They, for real, own MAGA hats. Or, at least, they did. I know that one piece of anecdotal evidence does not mean much. Not even four pieces count for much. But this is something I did not think was possible. From what I can understand, it wasn’t one thing, it was the constant non-stop chaos and corruption swirling around him. The more they had to rationalize him in their head, the less they were able to do it.

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September 6, 2018

Here here!  I absolutely love hearing stories about previous cult-members coming to their senses and “getting out.”  Blessed be the awakening.  <3

September 6, 2018

almost every person I know that voted for him are sorry they did. he actually pays people to go to his rallies! two friends of mine were offered money to go to his last one in indiana


September 6, 2018

There is hope for America yet!

September 7, 2018

That is great news.

September 8, 2018

A glimmer of hope!

September 14, 2018

May that start a movement here in the South.  Good for your cousins, anyway!