Look at this face

Take a good long look. This is what “in over your head” looks like.

Like a canned ham, freshly sprung from its aluminum prison. Glistening with pineapple slices and stupidity. Easter morning when you wake up to find your basket filled with not eggs, but Neo-nazis and Sean Hannity.

It’s back to school time. I really like my students. I’d love to have another few weeks before classes start. Summer flies by. I have zero legs to stand on when it comes to complaining about short summer breaks. I get three months of paid vacation. I mean I have to go in like once a month over the summer, but come on. Who gets 3 months? Not even the French get that much time off.

How do I stop the crickets and caterpillars from eating my kale and lettuce? I’m seriously asking? I built a crop box back in June and my harvest is pitiful. Do I have to do that cayenne pepper spray thing? I guess I can look it up.

I’m getting an electric bike. After riding Lime bikes all over Seattle last month I’ve decided to get the RadCity Commuter. I impulse purchased it off the internet — spurred on by the notice on their website that thanks to dummy dumb dumb (see above) their prices will all go up by 20% due to tariffs as of the 23rd of August. So I saved myself some money and got an electric bike which is something I’ve been wanting for a while now. I will die on this bike. To say that I am accident prone is an understatement. I am all scar tissue and metal plates at this point. Broken leg 1978, broken leg 1981, punctured lungs 1990, bee swarm attack 1997, broken arm 2008, spinal injury 2010, hernia 2018. I’m not even kidding about the bees.

I watched “I Don’t Feel At Home In This World Anymore” last night. Great title. That’s like a Fassbinder title. The movie was pretty good. A solid B+. Best line, “The world is filled with horrible people. They’re all assholes and dildos.” Very true. See above.



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August 20, 2018

That face is hard to look at, it represents all the things wrong with America. I’d love for America to be great, but hatred and racism kill that every time.

August 20, 2018

That is a face of a traitor

August 20, 2018

That’s a scary picture!

August 20, 2018

I’ll be so happy the day I no longer have to see that face every day and think omg what did he do now? Reminds me of the drills we did in school when I was a child. Crawl under your desk and the nukes can’t hurt you.

August 21, 2018

What a terrifying picture to start my evening.

We found eggs on our tomato plants today and my husband used watered down mouthwash in a spray bottle and sprayed the whole plant down.  I hope it works.

I’ve broken two bones. My arm when I was 5, I slid off my  sleeping bag on the bottom bunk and fell onto my arm weird and it broke and then when I was 20 I broke my thumb and I cannot remember how because I was far far far too drunk.

I hope school prep goes well!

August 22, 2018

I got an electric bike a couple of months ago and it’s awesome.

August 23, 2018

I do truly hope he is way over his head and that they ALL come down!